Chapter 2 || Luka

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The sound of the screaming fans was the only thing that could be heard for miles, everyone around me adamant about showing their support for our team. There were signs that read, "Go Cyclones!", or "Go Team!", or other encouraging phrases like that.

I, however, was trying my best to hide my anger. I was fuming, and it wasn't because of the noise. I didn't care about the noise. What I cared about was the fact that the coach had the audacity to bench my son on the very night that a college scout was attending the game.

Beside me, one of my good friends, Scott, tried his best to console me. "There will be other opportunities, Luka," he said. "He's only a sophomore."

"It's never too early to have colleges interested in giving you a scholarship," I countered. 

"That may be true, but I mean, are you sure he even wants to go to college?" Scott asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, narrowing my eyes slightly.

Scott shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips at my defensive tone. "I'm just saying. He might not even care about some scholarship. Have you ever talked to him about it?"

"Are you suggesting that I don't communicate with my son, Scott? Because I'll have you know-"

A soft hand was placed on my arm, instantly stopping whatever rant I was about to go on. I glanced over to the right at my wife, Camille, whose gorgeous brown eyes were dancing with amusement. "I think all Scott's trying to say is maybe Parker doesn't want to play lacrosse in college. You know it's not his passion. Maybe he'll get a scholarship in something else."

"Like what?" The words fell out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I watched as Camille heaved a sigh.

"I don't know, Luka. He's at the top of his class in grades. And I heard from a little birdie that he's taken up writing and has gotten pretty good at it," Camille said, shrugging. "He really only joined lacrosse because of your nephew, who by the way, has scored a total of five goals in the time you've been sitting here pouting." She gave me a pointed look before turning her attention back to the field, cheering for James.

"I have not been pouting," I mumbled, but I still couldn't help but feel guilty for not supporting James enough. Putting my disappointment aside, I stood up as James scored another shot, whooping. "Show 'em how it's done, James!" I shout.

James apparently had heard me, and glanced over, beaming. He shot me a thumbs up before turning his attention back to the game.

My own attention was broken when I caught sight of my dad waving me over out of the corner of my eye. I glanced over at him, and he motioned me over again.

"I'll be right back," I tell Scott and Camille before climbing down the bleachers.

"Luka, I think we might have a problem," Dad said as soon as I made my way over.

"Have you heard from Stiles?" I asked, panic rising in my chest as the words fell from his mouth, worried about my brother. He's never missed a game before.

Dad waved his hand dismissively, apparently not surprised that's what my first thought was. "Your brother's fine, he's just gotten caught up in some last minute paperwork. He should be done soon."

"I thought being the boss's son got a pass from the paperwork," I joked, my mind put at ease.

"He insisted," Dad said with a shrug, chuckling. "Something about not wanting me to be accused of playing favorites."

"Oh. So then is it Lydia?" If it were unusual for Stiles to miss a game, it was even more so for Lydia to. Lydia might not be James' mother by birth, but she was persistent about showing her love and support as if she were. She was usually the first one at James' game, ready to cheer him on. 

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