Chapter 5 || Kieran

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I weaved through the crowded mall, where my sources told me my next target was. The sounds of people's pointless chatter filled the air, along with a pleasant aroma coming from the direction of the food court. I recognized the scent as pizza, and it made me miss being human just so I could enjoy the taste of it.

I envied werewolves for their ability to indulge in the simple activity of eating. They were, essentially, human, but they were able to transform themselves into a wolf-like creature, and therefore able to enjoy human activities, such as eating. I, however, couldn't. That was the difference. Something about the molecules or whatever. Blayze explained it to me once, but for the life of me I can't remember exactly what he said. To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention. But I remember that he said something about my body only wanting one thing now. Blood. And if I tried to feed it anything else, my body would reject it.

I took his word for it, because that sounded unpleasant.

I paused outside of some video game store, peering in through the glass windows. I saw who I came for right away. He was working the counter, a pleasant smile on his face as he assisted the customer. I couldn't help but scoff at the sight. He was never pleasant. At least not to me, or my brother. He tried to worm his way into Danica's heart once, though. It didn't work. Maybe that's why he hated me so much, because I had something he couldn't get. Danica's affection. I stared at him thoughtfully, considering this. After a while, I shrugged.

It didn't matter now why he hated me. I was going to kill him anyway.


I continued to watch him, biding my time. I had to wait until he was alone to attack. 

I watched as he walked into the back room, and I started to follow after him. Something made me stop in my tracks, though, and I turned around curiously. The sensation of being watched was too strong to ignore. Nobody was around me except for a little old lady sitting on a nearby bench, knitting away at something. She wasn't paying me any mind, so I didn't think it was her.

Curious. I thought to myself as I looked around. It was eerily quiet. Strange for it being in the middle of the afternoon at a mall. Usually there were people buzzing about, eager to explore the different shops for new treasures. And I just couldn't shake that feeling that someone was watching me. 

But there was no one around. Which unsettled me even more.


At my name suddenly being whispered in the air, I jumped, not expecting it. I looked around wildly, not knowing why I had just heard my name being whispered. I looked once again at the old lady, but she hadn't moved an inch, and her gaze was fixated on her project.


There it was again. Where was it coming from, and why was it being whispered? If someone really wanted to get my attention, they would say my name louder. But again, there was no one around me. Everyone seemed to have suddenly disappeared into thin air, even the little old lady. I blinked in confusion, tilting my head.


It suddenly hit me what was going on like a ton of bricks, and I leaned against a wall as I crossed my arms. 


A banshee was attempting to use her powers to communicate with me. It was amazing what a banshee could do. Personally, I've never experienced being near one, but Blayze had. Once. He said it was an experience he'd rather not repeat.

Now, normally, as the lore stated, a banshee's powers had something to do with death or dying. I didn't know much else about banshees, or what they were capable of. But given the current situation, I'd say they're capable of a lot more than predicting death.

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