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Of course I'm in the tabloids.

I lean my head against my seat, closing my eyes and counting to ten.











I open my eyes and glance down at my phone screen, again. Prince Elijah's handsome face graces my vision, his hand shields his face from view...and the girl, well she doesn't look too pleased. I don't know who she is, some Evelyn Brooks or whatever the article called her. I'm kind of pissed off with her.

For seventeen years, I've managed to stay out of the tabloids. Except for the birth announcement, and birthday wishes, and events involving me. For seventeen years, I've managed to stay out of the bad parts of tabloids. And now, I'm riding in the car, with way too many nerves buzzing underneath my skin, just so I can go pretend I like all of them.

Anabeth's breath fans my ear as she reads the blog post over my shoulder. She leans away, flicking her bangs out of her face with a perfectly manicured nail. "Causing trouble already, are we?"

I slide my phone back into my purse, staying silent.

Ani's expression sobers. "Luv, it's harmless. Unless you decide to prove them right." Mischief flashes in her bright blue eyes, drawing me in.

I let out the breath I've been holding. "It's just...."

She gives me a knowing look, finishing my sentence with me. "It's always that bloke."

I laugh, despite my current mood, and Ani smiles like she just won something.

My cheeks flush pink and I glance away. Ani's lips press against my shoulder, and then they're gone, leaving the faint color of her strawberry lip gloss.

I reach for her hand, and she laces her fingers through mine.

It'll be okay. I tell myself. As long as you have Ani.

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