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{Thomas Zakayo, a local Kenyan cop is hired by the Anti drugs Unit of the government to retrieve some files on a drug lord Wa Makuno from a remote dilapidated structure, in the small village of Siginga in Busia county, owned by the village's famous Busia guerrillas.}

Thomas Zakayo is called with two other cops Sergeant Ochi and officer Kamaa by their commanding officer to be part of a three-man team that is to carry out a sting operation to recover very vital files that can aid in the government bring down the fast growing drug gangs in the county of Busia which has spread to even the county of Kisumu.
The three undercovers have some skills that the Anti-Drugs Unit and the Undercover Department of Kenya considers very vital in the operation.
"Gentlemen I've read your files," started the commanding voice of the commanding officer Major Kalu, "and we feel you'd make a very good team in this sting operation.
"Yes sir, we are at your command sir," said all the three men unanimously.
Sergeant Ochi had commanded close to twenty operations successfully so he was going to run the operation on the ground. He was also a well decorated officer respected by his mates and his superiors respected his assessment of such situations so they were more at ease having him on board to run tactical and spear head the whole operation.
Officer Kamaa was recommended by Sergeant Ochi and so that was also an attribute that could not be ignored because Sergeant Ochi's opinion was really considered vital and had proved very helpful in throughout his thirty years in the undercover department.
Thomas Zakayo was on this team because he was born and bred in Busia. He had been the one that discovered the operational base of drug lord Wa Makuno who was on the top ten wanted list of criminals in the country. He also had the best field record on operations successfully executed so he was simply the best field agent across the whole force.
That evening, Thomas Zakayo went home and informed his family, his wife Winnie and twin sons Kasee and Rian, of the journey that he was undertaking. He called it a journey because it was an undercover operation and so even family was to be kept out of the loop so as to avoid 'compromising' the operation because it was believed that Wa Makuno had informants virtually everywhere even in the government and across the police force.

Thomas Zakayo and his fellows left for Siginga in Busia county but never came back and no one at the Anti-Drugs headquarters could give a conclusive report of why only Thomas Zakayo didn't return. Winnie was officially a widow; Kasee and his brother Rian orphans but still lucky they had a strong mum who would see them through school with the money the government gave the family as compensation.
Back at the headquarters, was the first mission that was run by Sergeant Ochi and failed because not only did they lose a very respected and highly decorated field agent but they also had no information on the drug lord Wa Makuno and no concrete idea of how one of them ended up dead but not even a body for the family to burry could be retrieved.

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