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  {On the trail of ruthless Busia drug cartels and a personal mission to find his father’s killer by the book, undercover agent Kasee Zakayo is seriously injured on duty}

Twenty years since the strange and unexplained disappearance of their father, Kasee and Rian are now all grown.
Kasee took after the dad and became an agent of the government while Rian was something else very different as he was the direct opposite of his brother. Kasee used the opportunity he had as an agent to investigate further in the case of the drug lord Wa Makuno who had now spread to the country’s capital with different stands supplying drugs to the youths and young generation. This was considered and regarded a hazard to the economy and the future generation since soon virtually the whole country would be contaminated.
One day as Kasee was getting ready to leave for work, he received a rather disturbing call from an unknown number; “Your father was murdered, I will call you tomorrow with details……talk to no one about this” said the strange voice. “….eeeehhh what do you mean?....who are you?” but he hung before answering any of his questions.
“My father was killed?....But the government said they never knew what happened to him….who is this guy calling me and why did he hung before answering any of my questions?....why did it have to take twenty years before I could hear anything pertaining my father’s unprecedented demise?” several questions were running through his mind and yet according to the strange caller he was to talk to no one about the little chat they had had.
Kasee had no otherwise but to report to work and exercise patience but to him tomorrow was not coming any sooner. Hardly had he settled at his work station than he received another call but this time round the voice just gave him a name. “Hello who is..........” before he could finish his question the other voice simply said  “ Find a file in the archives on DON.” then he hung the call.
Being in office and very anxious Kasee gets to his computer to find out who DON is but there is nothing much except the name Elvis. He reached out to his contact in the town of Nakuru and Gado proved to have some very vital information on Elvis who was a local bar owner in town and his bar was the meeting point for most of the local gangsters in the town of Nakuru.
Kasee embarked on a secret personal mission of finding out about his father’s murder but every time he kept hitting dead ends until one day he ran into one of DON’s errand boys Kelvin and as he was interrogating him, Kelvin tried to attack him and in the process Kasee shot Kelvin in self-defense. Things happened too fast that Kasee didn’t even realize that as they were next to that abandoned refilling station, Kelvin was carrying a hand grenade and so as he was shot he released the grenade in his hand and there was heard a big blast. From the explosion Kasee escaped by a whisker but was paralyzed from waist downwards; this meant his movements would be limited to behind his work desk.
He was to be relieved from duty but his effectiveness and efficiency in running operations on cams and analysis played a very big role in retaining him. He was demoralized and disappointed that now the hope of ever knowing what exactly happened to their dad was passing him and he was helpless to do anything about it. There was no way his brother Rian would help him because unlike him all Rian was ever good at was petty crime and street fighting, he was simply a jerk who had nothing better to do with his life.
“But he was both our dad...” he thought to himself and tried to get a hold of his brother whom they had not been in contact with for the past eleven months that is since the burial of their mum who passed on from depression, denial and stress over the death of her husband, their father.
It was not easy get hold of his brother who was in prison at that time ..   

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