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{Kasee’s reluctant twin brother RIAN, is drafted in to replace him. RIAN is a delinquent, small-time criminal surf bum with a bad attitude who happens to be in jail for the third time in a row}

Kasee resolves to involve his twin brother Rian in his quest for justice who by that time happens to be in prison for misdemeanors.
In his plan to draft his brother as a replacement in the mission to seek justice for their deceased father and bring to book the cartels, Kasee sorts the assistance of his superior officer John in releasing his brother from prison but John is reluctant about getting involved and so he declines.
Dejected and despondent, Kasee resolves to use his contacts in the agency and across police system to release his brother from prison which he succeeds but he now has another headache of putting up with his brother’s bad attitude and rage towards him. Rian had developed hate and bitterness for his twin brother because he never wanted him to join and work for the very people that his dad worked for and never returned home.
“Hey man? Am made to understand that you are the one who bailed me out, hope you ain’t expecting a thank you..”started the seemingly ungrateful brother. “Hold it there bro, I did not expect anything I just want you down the streets of Nakuru to help me in a mission to find out how the cartels are connected to the unprecedented death of our father………” before he could even finish his statement, Rian impatiently interrupted “…did you say somebody has a hand in dad’s death and is still out there going on with his daily life and yet their actions rendered us orphans now?” the anger and rage was evident in his voice so he promised to walk with his brother to see to it that justice is served but he had his own condition of how he wanted to work which was simply one ‘HIS WAY’. Kasee knew that his brother only understood one way of doing things and that was violence so he was hesitant in giving in to his brother’s condition but had no otherwise except to conform with it.
Rian hits the streets of Nakuru and first has to get in touch with his brother’s contact Gado in order to pick from where he left. He has an advantage because of the striking resemblance with his brother who had already established a relationship with some of the peddlers, considered the smallest group in the chain of command among the cartels, so he does not need reintroduction but to just assume the role played by his twin who was popularly known to them by his sir name Zakayo. Rian gets in touch with Gado who connects him to a local police that supplies him with ammunition to help him survive the harsh life of the streets Nakuru which are infested with all manner of drug related crimes and criminals. Gado also promises to be ready and available any time Zakayo {rian} would want his assistance because of the good friendship they have with Rian’s brother Kasee.
“Hey bro, am told you are all set and ready to hit the road. Just wanted to let you know that I got your back in case of anything” stated Kasee on phone to reassure his brother of his support but as always Rian never found any of his brother’s words comforting rather he felt like he was not being trusted to the extent that Kasee was even keeping tabs on him. “Yo! Bro let me do this my way, your way didn't work,  remember? So stop tailing me because I know why I am here and what am supposed to be doing. Unless you have something that can make me get this guy DON allow me knock a few things down to get their attention.” 
Rian walks down the streets of Bondeni, a notorious town in Nakuru, with only one intent: to trace the chain of command of the drug cartels in the only way he knows best; the path of maximum destruction. Rian starts by burning down some of the houses known to be the operation base of the smaller gangs and alarming the police to confiscate the drugs and even arrest some of the dealers. This trend goes on and he even goes ahead to intercept some of the motorbikes carrying the drugs and acquiring the drugs only to drop them by the sub-regional anti-drugs office around the area.
Zakayo becomes a name on every peddler’s lips on the streets and whenever Rian Zakayo is seen around people know that he will be creating havoc and disaster any time any minute. Definitely this cannot go unrecognized and so word on the streets of Bondeni and Nakuru at large is that cartels are meeting constantly to device new ways because their business seems to be in turmoil and the ‘big fish’ on the chain is  unhappy with whatever is happening because it is costing him a lot.
“Hey Zakayo, it’s Gado; I have information that there is a meeting today at Elvis’ bar. It has to do with you and word has it that DON might be in attendance, take care my friend they will be expecting you.” Gado hangs and Rian thinks to himself, ‘this is the only shot I have at this so I must capitalize on it very well’. He finds his way to Elvis’ bar but from a distance he sees that it is heavily guarded so he decides to find another way in but he realizes that he has to get in touch with his brother because he believes two brains will work out the puzzle. Kasee proves helpful as he pulls the satellite feed of the compound and walks his brother in from the back door through the kitchen which was not guarded. Kasee sees that as an opportunity to be open with his brother and tell him that the mission they are on was not sanctioned by the government officially and so if anything is to happen there will be nothing the government will be held accountable for but the ever reluctant Rian told him not to worry because nothing was going to happen to him.
Rian manages to get in the bar where the cartels of Nakuru were meeting and tells his brother on cams “hey bro I think I’ve heard someone being called DON let me……” before he could finish his statement his cams went off leaving the brother worried.
Kasee resorts to seek the assistance of his superior officer, John, to give him an audience which at the end; John is not pleased that a lot is happening behind his back and under his nose yet he has no idea of anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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