It Shouldn't Happen ?

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People believe that every process on earth is a God's plan. The creator has already iterated the beginning and the end of every being.
Everyone's destiny is been written and so will it go.
I harldy believed all this. I only believed that what I see, what I do, what I got, what I lost in my present time is all that matters to me. But on contrary, one can't predict about what will going to happen in the next second of the time.
Change is what every aspect on earth faces. Everything,  everyone goes along this process. Whether they like it or not. Whether they want it or not.

I was about to turn 21. I felt no burden of responsibilities on my shoulders. I was still living my life just like I lived few years ago with no major life goals.
Daksh and Naish were on a break as they both were in their final year. And here I was least interested about my studies.

I was the guy who used to study an hour before the exam and guess what? I fail.
It was the last semester of the final year and anyhow I need to pass all the exams. I managed to do well in all subjects expect the chemistry. It really makes my brain go dead.

The very first exam of the last semester was the worst one - chemistry. I made some cheats of reactions which could fetch me some objective marks but there's still more to be done for passing this dead end safely.
An hour before my exam. I was in the cafeteria and opened my books and started mugging up all the concepts I could manage to do in an hour.
"The very catenation process is understood when some carbon molecules starts it's chaining with the other carbon atoms. Several definitions of alchemy exist. Originally, alchemy was an ancient tradition of sacred chemistry used to discern the spiritual and temporal nature of reality, its structure, laws, and functions"
I was reading it again and again for the past 20 mins and still can't remember a word.
Suddenly a girl recalled this same definition.
"Several definitions of alchemy exist. Originally, alchemy was an ancient tradition of sacred chemistry used to discern the spiritual and temporal nature of reality, its structure, laws, and functions and it results to catention as it is of the carbon atom theory base. This way you can relate both." She said
"Woah. Thank you." I said
"You got only 20 mins more and I don't think you'll be able to answer any questions there." She said
"How can you say that, huh?" I asked
'' This was the basic definition one should have it on their tip of the tongue. " She said
"I should have started studying way before." I said
"Quick read this terms and elaborate them in your own words. Whatever chemistry you've studied till now relate with all these terms and present your answer. I hope you'll pass atleast." She said
"Ah, that I can do very well. Just tell me the main context." I said
She wrote some terms and one liners on a small piece of paper and gave me.
I took and at the lightning speed I started collecting all that terms. It was time for me to enter the examination hall.
"Thank you so much. I owe you this for sure." I said
"It's all okay. Just be patient and attempt all questions. Best of luck to you." She said
"Thanks a lot. See you soon." I said

I went in the examination hall and this time I was a bit confident for writing the this semester exam.
Question papers were distributed and I can't simply believe. Most of the questions were related to what she sorted out and said to write. As if she was knowing the question paper.
I started writing and this time I wrote well as compared to all my past chemistry exams.

I looked out for her in the campus after the exam. I searched the whole area around and all the floors and classes but I couldn't find her. I didn't even asked her name.
Next day I searched for her at the cafeteria where I met her for the first time. She wasn't there.
I went for my next exam and after coming out writing the exam, I went to the cafeteria to get myself a soft drink.
I saw her there. Facing towards her laptop with her earphones in her ears and moving her hands as if she was busy explaining herself to someone. I went to her and stood behind her. I saw  her talking to a guy on her laptop. I didn't want to disturb her so I kept standing behind her waiting for the call to end.
After 45 minutes, the video call ended and she pulled out her earphones and kept them aside. I gently tapped on her right shoulder and said, "Hi."
"Ohh, hi." She said
"I searched for you yesterday and you just went like that. I wanted to thank you for your last minute help which helped me a lot. Thank you so much." I said
"Your welcome. By the way, how was your today's exam?" She asked
"For that only I was searching you 3 hours ago." I said
"Sorry, I didn't understand. For what?" She asked
"Actually I thought I could get some useful tips for Biotechnology exams, so I was searching for you. I went up and down of the building, searched every class. Actually it was quite hard for me to find you without knowing your name." I said
"I'm so sorry, you had to go through all these. The name is Maira." She said

This girl is so sweet. Although I had to reach somewhere else  quickly but I decided to stay and have a conversation with her. Why are girls so magnetic? Property unexplained till now.

"I'm Aarav." I said
"Final year, right?" She asked
"Exactly." I replied
"I'm sorry, I saw you were getting angry on that guy on the call. Who was he?" I asked
"He's my brother. I wasn't getting angry on him, I'm irritated by the way how this college functions. Totally lethargic." She said
"Why what happened? If you don't mind, you can tell me your problems, I can help you out." I said
"Oh no no. I can't let you down in my problems. Already your final exams are going on. You should focus there." She said
"I'm not offering help for free. I too need something from you in return. So take it as a deal." I said
"What you want in return?" She said confusingly
"Well, if I help you out from your problem,  then you have to help me in my exams. Is that okay for you?" I asked
"Smart enough, I see." She said
"Since childhood." I said laughingly
"Haha. Nice one." She laughed and said

Then over a cup of coffee, she told me how the college authorities, from the clerk to the respected teacher troubled her for little things just to issue her the passing certificate and the No Objection Certificate so that she can get a job somewhere. The sad part about her problems was, her parents died way too early and she has her brother, the only guardian. Her brother works in a company in Hongkong and he comes twice or thrice to her. It's been 3 years for her in Mumbai and still everything here was all new for her. There's only 2 or 3 friends of her, to whom she hardly talks or shares her problem. The only person she used to talk is her brother and both of them didn't know for how long they have to live separately. This was totally a new side of a life for me. I never came across such person who was already going through so much. After she completed telling about all this, at the immediate moment I got a feeling that I have to help out this poor girl no matter what, I'll help her in her every problems at any cost.
She was a year older than me. I automatically started comparing my life with hers. What I have and what she lacks and still she wears a smile which one can see and just tell that, this girl seems to a happy go girl.

There's so much in the world for everyone and there's nothing one can take with them after leaving the world. The world is stationary for all.

"Consider it done, Maira. I know how to get it done in the right way from them."
I said
"Are you sure? Can you do something about it." She asked
"If you'd tell me way before, it would've been done by now. Anyways, I'll get it done soon. Just give me your identity card." I said
"Yeah sure." She said
"Now don't get mad on anyone, just help me to pass my final exams. It will be a favour on me." I said
"Done." She said
"9867989820" I said
"Sorry, I didn't get that." She said
"That's my mobile number. Send me if you have some important notes regarding any of the subjects." I said
"Yes absolutely. I'll save your number and by the night, I'll send you the notes. Study hard." She said
"Thank you Maira. Thank you again." I said

And then after the second meet, we exchanged our numbers. Don't know where this give and take will lead us or how long will this continue. But something struck my mind and I really don't know what is it.
After reaching home, whatever she told me was getting repeated in my mind and her face with a bit of frustration amd eyes getting higher every time she held her breath to say a sentence was getting pictured in front of my face again and again.
For the last four years something like this never happened after meeting a girl. It was overriding all over everything and everyone. Right now I need to focus on my exams rather than this all but still I caught up myself again .
Why didn't I let go? Why can't I just ignore this? Why I'm feeling so much about this?
My thinking stopped. It shouldn't happen or this will change everything? Is this going to change me or am I just in overthrow?
Let it flow, all I can do now is this only.

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