James Potter x reader - The fight

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"(Y/n)?" You hear someone call your name from where you sit at the black lake.

"James Potter? What in the world do you want from me?" You asks rolling your eyes. You and the marauders is in this fight, has been since year one, still is now in year five.

"Err, (y/n)... me and the guys are really sorry about the thing yesterday. It's just that..." he starts explaining but you rolls your eyes. What could possibly be a good excuse for calling someone a mudblood and just laugh about it.

"No I get it, Black said something like 'in love and war everything is allowed' didn't he?" You asks resisting the urge to laugh at the irony that they think it's all okay and that one apology is gonna be enough.

"Yeah, we're really sorry, please accept our apology" he says scratching the back of his head.

"Well I'm not. I'm not accepting it" you say standing up now and looking him right into the eyes.

"What?! Why?" He says, never has a girl said no to anything to him, especially not to a apology.

"Don't you get it? You and your friend thinks you're so much better than those Slytherins, don't you? Well you know what, I wouldn't be as hurt if a Slytherin called me a Mudblood, because they have no shame in their body when it comes to a Gryffindor nor when it comes to a Muggle born. But you" she stops herself for taking five Deep breaths when her eyes starts getting tears in them, but she doesn't let them fall.

"But you... I don't know I maybe thought that you wouldn't be such jerks or Slytherin alike. Don't you see that this is exactly what Snape called Lily and all of you got super upset about but then you're calling me the exact same words. Tell me James, what is worse, for someone who is used to say mud blood to someone and is calling someone that or someone who has almost beaten up someone for calling someone that word, calling you a mudblood. Do you really not understand that saying that is hurtful?!" You say almost, screaming and now you have tears running down your face but you ignore them.

"(Y/n)... I-I'm really sorry..." James says not realising that it really hurt you.

"I really wish I could forgive you but I can't. I have something called morals, ever heard of them?" You say wiping a tear of your face and then walks past James.

"So Prongs! How'd it go?" Sirius says cheerfully when James enters their dormitory and the two other boys in the marauders are just halfhearted listening.

"She didn't accept our apology..." James says still with his head down, now catching Remus's and Peter's attention.

"Why? I mean sure I called her a mudblood but what's the big deal it's not like" Sirius says looking frustrated and shocked at the same time but Janes interrupts him.

"Padfoot, it was serious to her..." he says sadly.

"Yeah well what, it's true, right?" Sirius says now annoyed that his own best friend is taking sides with the enemy.

"Snievellus called Lily a mudblood and then it was wrong..." James says laying down on his bed.

"Yeah well that's different... it isno any different is it? Oh my god I have to... apologise to her won't I?" Sirius says realising what he did.

"Sirius... you really need to apologise, you made (y/n) (y/l/n) cry" he says and they all look at him like he just said that he came up with a cure to sole super dangerous sickness. Peter even chokes on his chocolate frog.

"What?!" They all day in chorus and James just nods.

"Well... James Y'know this can either be the moment where you will have absolutely no shot with her. Ever, which would be sad since she's your crush, but it could also be a twist in your relationship. You just have to figure out how" Remus says trying to look at it positive.

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