When you first met (HP gen)

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Harry - you met on the Hogwarts express in your first year (as you were Hermione's younger sister by one year she wouldn't let you out of sight so you had to sit with her, Rina dm Harry trough the whole train ride)

Ron - When some Slytherins picked on Ginny for being a blood-traitor (a small group of Slytherins picked on Ginny and he was just about to help her when you came and hexed those bastards, ever since he basically thought you were the toughest and coolest girl he'd ever met. Except his mom)

Draco - your parents were friends with his parents so you met under one of your brothers birthday parties (he was having a boring time and you made it your job to make sure he was happy, and so you did, and so you succeeded. Ever since you have shared a compartment at the Hogwarts express, and always talks, and it's obvious he likes you)

Blaise - some older Gryffindors were picking at sole younger Slytherins (and you cursed them all and helped the Slytherins, and Blaise saw your and presented himself, he was really amazed by you)

Fred - you met while you were performing a prank (and was almost caught by Mrs Norris but he helped you get away)

George - you came to one of his parties (and he found you different form the moment he saw you so he decided to get to know you, and so he did)

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