When he started to like you (marauders era)

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James - in third year (you had been enemies for three years by then but suddenly, when you got yourself a boyfriend he realised that he actually liked you)

Sirius - the moment he saw you (need I explain more? Love at first sight is bothering you can force or hold in)

Remus -  Fourth year (you and him had been friends, or well, known the others existence for a year or so, when he just like that understood that he wanted more than being friends with you)

Peter - third year (when you stood up to Slytherin for him he understood that you were more than just a beauty, and that he was in love)

Regulus - fourth year (when your older siblings who had dated for a while but broke up, so you were there for your older sister and you both missed each other so much, more than people who were just friends would never miss each other)

Severus - fifth year (when you outsmarted both Sirius and James after they were men's to him and you were helping him really much but you waited til' everyone else was gone because you knew him good enough to know that he wouldn't want anyone to k ow he needed help, especially by a girl. And he knew this fact gutted you w bit, but you still respected it so that made him have so high thoughts about you)

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