Chapter One

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Brienne tugged uncomfortably at the neck of her deep green dress. It went down to her feet, and the sleeves went to her hands. It was a very hot dress indeed. Brienne hated wearing dresses every day. She hated King's Landing in general. The people, the smell, the lies and false flatteries, all vile and not to her liking. She would much prefer to be on her way, in her suit of armor, on a horse. But she made a promise to Catelyn Stark, that she could never forget. And, when she left, she would have to leave one person behind. Jaime.

"Did you know that green really isn't your color?" A familiar voice said from behind her. She turned around, face to face with Jaime Lannister.

"What a pleasant surprise, Ser Jaime." She said coldly, although she didn't really mean it to be to harsh. But she couldn't let him see her secret. She tries so hard to keep it all inside, this feeling. It's hard, even for a tough woman like Brienne.

"What is it that you need?" She asked, after waiting for a response. Jaime was staring out into a small pond, a puddle more like. They were in a white gazebo, on the outskirts of the garden. She liked it here, not to many people come into this part of the garden for the many bees that live in a nearby nest.

"I just came to relax with my dearest friend, Brienne. Which is you. So here we are, relaxing. Fun, I suppose. I do think dragging me around the forest is more your taste, is it, Lady Brienne?" He smiled his perfect smile. That was his gift. Smiling. He could do it being dragged on a rope through the forest, his only company Brienne. Although there was once a moment, Brienne remembered, when his face couldn't form a smile, not for a long, long time. When he lost his right hand. He barely ate, nether less smiled. It was painful to watch, so Brienne tried to put that thought out of her mind.

"A little more my taste, yes, then being stuck in this disgusting hole full of liars and plotters. And what about you, Jaime? Do you prefer life outside of King's Landing, or do you enjoy the liars and the plotters?" It was her turn to smile. It wasn't a great smile, but it was true, honest.

"It is nice to get out of King's Landing for a while, be captured by Catelyn Stark, escorted by you, lose a hand along the way. But life in King's Landing and being in the Kingsguard is what brings my father the most pain. His son and was to be heir, now sworn to a group of royal bodyguards. You were Renly's Kingsguard once, before he was killed. Why did you choose that life?" Brienne swallowed, and then started.

"If I was not sworn to Kingsguard, there was still a chance that I could be married off, and that is the last thing I want, to be sold like a swine. King Renly was a fair lord and a kind lord. He had no birthright, but being stabbed in the back by a shadow of your own brother is not a way to die." She shuddered, the demon that she had avoided thinking of for so long seeped into her mind, sending a sharp chill down her spine.

"Well, I best be off. With King Joffrey's royal wedding tomorrow, there are many preparations to be made. Farewell, Brienne. I shall see you at the wedding." And he strode away, before she could say a word of goodbye.

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