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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ spoiler, we all die in the end

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spoiler, we all die in the end.

IT TOOK A SINGLE CALL to get everyone on the same page, a single phrase and they knew what was going on and where to go. perhaps it was the need to be far away from this place to truly appreciate, all its rusted support beams across the high ceilings to the dusty floors and far corners where spider webs hid away from anyone's reach.

no one's been back to the warehouse since the last job. there was no need to go back, but suddenly standing in the alley by the large metal doors had them realizing they might have missed it a little.

"fucking open it already." jimin had just had enough of the wait, standing outside and surrounded by brick walls on either side. he was ready to be inside already to greet his lab and get on with it. jungkook punched in the code and there was a click followed by a low toned beep. the ravenette took hold of the metal door handle and slid them open, everyone heading inside the warehouse.

the seven of them gathered in the lab around one of the metal tables standing waist high. "alright so, we're still expecting someone." jungkook said, glancing at the monitors showing the security system outside. she hadn't arrived yet.

"who?" hoseok asked. he was just in the dark as much as the rest of the team, excluding namjoon, jimin, and taehyung of course.

"yuri." namjoon cut in before the youngest could, "she's one of jungkooks old partners."

"she's just helping with intel." jungkook was quick to say, glancing over and seeing how taehyung walked away to join the small blonde at the monitors. "we're using her for information." he turned back to the table and started laying files out. there was a significantly  bigger amount of papers now, considering he stayed up all night with joon planning most of the heist. there were some holes they needed to run by yuri and whether or not she could access that information for them.

"what's the target." jin asked, arms crossed over his chest and eyes staring intently at the sheets laying across the surface. "originally yuri wanted to strike the bank, but we're taking a different approach." jungkook said.

before he could get into that approach, the warehouse doors opened again, courtesy of jimin hitting the button for them to unlock and the alarm to disengage. the group of males looked up at the lady walking in, long hair flowing down her back and the heels of her boots making each steps echo. "you really don't change do you jeon." yuri grinned, walking into the lab. with a few upgrades in technology it did look different, but everything else was the same.

she hugged the ravenette first thing, arms around his neck and lips still stretched in a smile showing nice teeth. taehyungs stomach clenched at the sight of her pressed against jungkook like ugly on an ape.

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