chapter two

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lunas POV

i absolutely dreaded the walk home . i was not ready for later today , one , because i might actually have the chance to tell sam how i feel , and two , because of everyone else in the house . don't get me wrong , i did want to tell sam the truth but i also didn't want to make things awkward . and i knew if it were to go quiet , i'd probably crack . but also , i just still had the thought sitting in the back of my head wondering , what if i should just move on from these stupid feelings ? i hummed to myself until i ended up finding myself at my front door , sam was supposed to be coming over later tonight since it was a friday and i just had to make sure I was the one to open the door . so me being me , decided to stick it out in the living room all day even though sam wasn't gonna be over till hours later . not even that , she's gonna spend the night here too .

she was gonna be there around six , and we got out of school around 3:30 so i had around a good three hours but still . i wasn't taking no chance for this . i grabbed all the stuff i needed to keep me distracted for a while , lincoln decided to stick with me downstairs though and i wasn't really complaining . he never really teased me that much about sam or anyone else i had ever really liked so i told him how she was gonna come over . i , was obviously wrong . he freaked and acted like a whole other female and i instantly regretted saying anything but begged him to help me keep the others out of her way , though he was upset i wouldn't tell him anything else , he agreed to help me out . i let out a small distressed sigh and gripped onto my guitar , i shockingly had my acoustic one with me this time and messed around it for a bit , lincoln making up random lyrics to go with it .

he was saying something about his video game in the process of it and told me to write it down . i just went ahead and did so he wouldn't start his whining stage if i didn't write it down . "you're seriously making me regret chilling with you" lincoln muttered "oh please , this should be the other way around dude" we just laughed for a bit and he went back to his game . i started to at least try and start working on a new song which i knew was a bad idea knowing i was busy trying to finish another but oh well . the other song i've been trying to work on , didn't plan to be sung around anyone besides myself and maybe sam . i looked over at my phone a lot just to see the time , and lincoln started to catch onto it . "you , feeling okay over there ?-" i heard him state towards me as i looked back at him , letting out a small laugh "uh yeah , i'm fine . just kinda impatient" i mumbled , hoping he'd leave it alone after that "you were never really good at waiting before" i heard him say as i rolled my eyes in response "i can be patient !" lincoln only shook his head in denial and went back to playing his game .

the time flew by quick , but for me it really felt like everything was going by so slow . i even went up to my room because i couldnt handle lincoln's raging , it made me struggle to write anything or finish anything i was working on . i put my headphones on and blasted music into them just to keep my mind off of other things . i suddenly got the urge to move around , it was one of those moments where no matter how hard you tried , you couldn't keep still . i fidgeted with a lot of random things in the room , even messed with some of luans stuff that was laying around . i soon found myself twirling my drumsticks and decided to stick with those before luan walked in on me touching her stuff . i never realized how fast time went by until i saw my door open from the corner of my eye and saw sam in the doorway smiling towards me . i felt my stomach churn as i threw my headphones off and pulled her into a big hug .

sams pov

i knew luna had 10 other siblings , but she never told me how she only had one brother and 9 sisters . i was shocked coming in and i had a feeling they would question me but shockingly , they didn't . they all introduced themselves and mentioned how nervous lunas been knowing i was gonna come over for the first time . they led me to her room where i saw her messing around with her drum sticks . i couldn't help but smile , in a matter of seconds , i found myself in her embrace and felt my heart melt instantly . i hugged back onto her and let out a small laugh "lunes , don't crush me !" "no promises" i heard her mumble as she let me go after a bit . "heard from a couple birdies you were nervous to see mee~" i decided it'd be fun to tease her a bit , luna having the reaction i wanted her to as her face turned a bright red "i was not !" "i seriously doubt that" "we'll you seriously shouldn't" she shoved me slightly as i shot her a look , getting an idea and grinned . i pushed her back and we did that for a while until she finally decided to pounce on me .

i wasn't expecting it and my plan pretty much backfired on me , my goal was to get her first and have her below me just to mess with her a bit , but i should've known , her being the third oldest of 11 kids , there is no getting her onto the floor first , plus i know for a fact she can be reckless and have no one stopping her in a heartbeat . i ended up finding myself being pinned onto the floor , struggling to try and shove her off , but the more strength i put into it , she did the exact same thing and it wasn't long before my arms grew tired and gave up on me , showing luna that she had won , this time at least . "this is not how this was supposed to go-" i muttered as i saw lunas grin get wider "awh what were you planning then ?" thinking back to my plan , i felt my own face heat up as i shook my head "nothing , forget i said anything" "no no , i wanna hear it" i groaned , knowing she wouldn't get off until i told her , deciding to wuss out and call for one of her siblings instead .

she flashed me a glare and had gotten off of me , the athlete of the family walking in as i got up off the floor . the burnett in red and white leaning against the door , eyeing lunes down "i heard a yell , and i have my suspicions" i looked back at luna and held in a laugh , her keeping the glare she had and responded to her younger sister "i could say the same for you when your friends are over lj" "touché , luna" with that she walked out and shut the door behind her , luna crossing her arms "you could've planned that better dude" i let out my laugh finally as she just shook her head "well there was no other way that i could've thought of to get you off of me lunes !" "well i mean , there's a couple things you could've done ,," her voice trailed off as she looked away , keeping her arms crossed . i scoffed and walked a bit closer to her "oh yeah ? like what ?"

she started to mess with her bracelets , symboling she was getting nervous for whatever reason . "ah , nevermind" she said as i scoffed , grabbing onto her wrists "oh no , you aren't gonna be able to get out of this one lunes . spill" "no way ! you can't make me either ." she mumbled as i gave her a look , luna looking away afterwards with a now red face "don't look at me like that ." she mumbled , as i shook my head "tell meeee" she didn't respond , i groaned as i let her wrists go . "i'm gonna wait this entire time for you to tell me" with that luna let out a groan , shaking her head "you're in for a long wait then ." "cmon luna , either tell me or show me ." i stated towards her as she quickly shook her head "i don't think you'd be ready for me to show you" she replied as i perked up "okay well now you have to show me ."

she picked at her bracelets a lot more now as she still stood in denial . "no way , i doubt you'd actually enjoy that" she mumbled and crossed her arms . "i don't care just show me pleaseee ! i wanna know" me and luna went back and forth with 'yes' and 'no' until i finally gave up . she grinned slightly and i shook my head , letting it go . i decided to be a bit salty about it just to mess with her a bit but she wasn't having it , so she randomly tackled me into a hug which made me fall back on her sisters bed . both of our laughters filled the room and i couldn't have been happier . i went to pull away only to realize she was actually on top of me this time . i looked up at her and felt my face get hot , her glancing back down at me with the same reaction as our laughter disappeared . part of me wanted to lean in but the other half was stopping me from it , i watched her bit down on her lip as we kept eye contact with each other . i shockingly wasn't nervous or anxious at all , i felt something i haven't felt in a really long time with someone . and that's when i really started to consider making the first move .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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