Chapter 7

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The family and Obama’s had gathered in the living room. No one seemed to notice Jack was missing.

Bobby had Ethel in his arms. Michelle had noticed the absence of the former President and quietly snuck out. She knocked on his door. “Jack?”

There was no response. She heard muffled sobs. When Michelle creaked the door open he looked up. “It’s okay Jack,” She whispered.

He continued to cry. She gingerly sat down beside him and put an arm round him. He began to sob into her shoulder.

Michelle rubbed his back. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t believe what happens in the future…” He cried. “I die in my wife’s arms, fourth months after we lost a child.”

“I know.” She let him cry. “But you can stop it now, and you can prove to Jackie your worthy of her.”

Jack looked at her. “I didn’t mean too….”

She stopped him. “Don’t dwell on the past, focus on the future.”

He nodded. “You’re right.”

Jackie walked in at this point. “Is everything okay?”

Michelle got up. “We were just talking, he was a little upset.”

“Thanks.” Jackie said sitting down. Michelle let them be.

“Jack? What’s wrong?” She hugged him. He took a few minutes to compose himself. He looked into her eyes. “I love you and I will prove to you I’m worthy of you.”

She blushed. “Jack, I love you. You don’t need to prove yourself.”

He held her close. He didn’t want to let go. This was all so strange. Bobby didn’t have to suffer this, he had no faults. He was the perfect husband, Jack thought.


The President and First Lady were having a state dinner tonight and Bobby and Ethel had decided to venture out into DC with hundreds of secret service agents. The residence was quiet. Only Caroline, Jack and Jackie remained. Rory and the rest of her siblings were meeting Bobby and Ethel for dinner.

Jack was sitting on the floor easing his back when the door burst open. Three young people walked in. Caroline got up. “Jack, Tatiana, Rose, these are your grandparents.” Caroline said.

Jackie shyly got up and hugged them all. “Hi,” She looked at Rose. “You look like a mini me.” She joked. Rose smiled. “That’s what the press say.”

Tatiana sat down watching them all, like she was dreaming. Jack sat down beside his Grandfather. “Grandpa?” He asked.

Jack smiled. “You look like John.”

The room fell silent at that. Only if John could have been here, Jack thought. He’d liked to have met his son all grown up. He put his thought and emotion aside before looking at his grandson. “You look a bit like me.” Jack smirked.

“Yes, that Kennedy charm.”

Jack laughed.

During the night Jackie and Rose got on great, Rose introduced her to the internet, while Tatiana and Jack showed Grandpa Jack YouTube.

Tonight may have been a light relief to all the time travellers but tomorrow would be a tough day and they all knew it.

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