Our Life Now (The 100)

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*Shaeline's P.O.V.*

It's been 2 years since we arrived on the ground.We've faced grounders, Mount Weather, finding out that the Ark came down, we made an alliance with the grounders, found out about a new enemy, and now we're trying to find Clarke. After we left Mount Weather, Clarke thought she 'couldn't face her mom' or something like that, and ran away from camp. So far we can't find her. Some may be asking about Bellamy and I. Well were friends now. Just friends, who say barely anything to each other. Jasper? Well he's gone insane since Ana died at Mount Weather. Monty's, okay I guess. Disappointed that his parent's didn't make it down here. Octavia? Well now she's a strong warrior for the grounders, and her and Lincoln are finally together. Bellamy, well he's moved on fast. Now he's dating some girl named Anna, that I've never heard of before. He's one of the guards/ soldiers for the camps.

"Shae, ready to go?" I look up from my designing book confused. Monty, was standing in the doorway wearing our protection gear for when we leave camp. "Monty what are you talking about?" I ask him resuming, my drawing. I've been put in charge of designing new outfits, medical wards, electrical supplies, homes, and everything else important we need. "The chancellor has organized a journey to find more people from the Ark. He wants me, you, Jasper, The grounder's leader, Octavia, and Bellamy to go with him."

"Since when?" I ask him starting to get ready. "Last week, at the meeting." I look at him. "Which you weren't at...Bellamy was suppose to tell you about it." He see's the look on my face. "Well, Bellamy and I aren't talking at the moment." I tell him lacing up my boots. "Still?" He ask, giving me a look of sympathy.

"Yeah. It doesn't bother me anyway." I lie, grabbing my jacket following Monty out of my tent.

""Somebody get Clarke's mom! Jasper stabbed himself in the neck!"

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