Life Isn't Always Easy

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I'm only sixteen but I do everything I can for my family. I've basically raised my brother, I take care of all SIX of my siblings daily, and in doing so I have a lot of responsibilities resting on my shoulder that shouldn't even be there until I have children of my own. My mother's sick and the doctors don't know what's going on, but she is starting to show symptoms of the same disease that killed her mother at the age of fifty-two. How do I do it all? Well, here's my daily routine;

1.) Wake up and make breakfast for EVERYONE before school

2.) Manage to get ready myself and drive everyone to school ( brother=daycare, 1 sister=elementary, 2 sisters=middle school, 2 more sisters and I=high school)

3.) I work hard all day long in school (3 honor classes, 2 AP classes, and one normal class and I TA for one of my teachers)

4.) Then I have to pick up ALL my siblings from school and bring them home where I have to make sure they all do their homework and that my brother has all of his needs filled (food, drink, diaper if so)

5.) I check on my mom and see what she needs

6.) I make dinner and then call everyone to the meal which I have to fight with my brother to even eat

7.) By the time I finish cleaning up and get everyone ready for bed it's already 9 pm so I have to get started on my homework (AP classes= 2 hours per class in homework, Honors=30 minutes per class, normal= usually no homework but if so only like 5 minutes worth)

8.) I end up staying up really late in order to finish all my school stuff so I can be successful which I have been accepted into National Honors Society and National English Honor Society and so on due to my grades, GPA and class rank which also require me to do community service so I do community service whenever I can cause I need 10 hours per semester, 2 leadership activities throughout the year and 20 hours per semester in order to letter. Which if my grades drop and are below a certain percentage then I can be kicked out (but I work extra hard because being in these societies gives you a huge gateway towards scholarships and grants for college)

9.) Then I check on everybody and go to bed. Waking up only to do everything all over again.

Because of my family situation, I am a Mother to children who aren't even mine. They are my five sisters and brother. But yet, I have done unthinkable things and have proved people wrong. You can be successful but damn, it takes A LOT of work.

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