"Why aren't you smiling?" | Portgas. D Ace🔥|

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If you'd like this same scenario with another character please let me know ;)

Boyfriend : Portgas. D Ace

Scenario- Your feeling down and stressed and your boyfriend notices your behavior. This is how ace would react.

-You struggle to find the encouragement to even roust yourself out of bed. Right now you were aboard white-beard's ship out in the middle of the grand line- the most dangerous part of the sea. Your boyfriend dreams of finding the one piece for his captain and making white-beard king of the pirates, your amused at this goal as it very much fit your own- you dreamed of traveling the entire world and seeing things extraordinary that you would never see back home in the west blue.

But right now was not your proudest moment, you couldn't find a reason why but your body was just unmotivated? It seemed like all your responsibilities were to hard to do so you put them off till tommrow- deep down knowing you won't actually do them.

Your crew mates took in account your absence, they just assumed you were sleeping in later than normal. Not your boyfriend though- ace was especially worried about you.

" fire-fly~....I heard you were still in bed"

His voice rang out to you like an alarm clock,. You rolled over to look at him walking in and closing the door-

"Yeah...I'm just a little tired"

Ace noticed your mood, you weren't smiling and you weren't chuckling. You weren't happy to see him and even worse you weren't asking for any food?! Alright who hurt you..

" (y/n) what's wrong?...you seem off today- did I upset you- was it one of the guys cause I swear I will kick their ass if they caused you to act like this"

He went on about defending you against the crew, from past actions from thatch who kept teasing you on your pirates outfit- the way it stretched over your breast and thighs was alluring to some of the guys- but what they didnt find alluring was aces fire pistol aimed right in between their eyes when he heard what they said.

"No...no it's not them- I just...i don't know I feel lazy today? Like my body has no energy" you explained moving the blanket off your shoulder and arms to catch a good breeze- the ship rocking every once in awhile

"Hm..well is there anything I can do to help? I mean our next island isn't till 3 days- so going on a date is out of the picture...hey wanna go fishing off the edge of the ship that always makes you smile" ace offered with a cheerful nudge to your hip which only made you groan. Much to his dismay he frowned

"What about—- oh we can replace the captains alchohal with vinegar from the kitchen! That always made you laugh"

"Ace last time we did that white-beard made us swim three miles beside the ship in sea king infested waters until we apologized a thousand times-" you said as your face read still recalling the memory

Ace sighed "it was still funny the point is! Baby I'm tryin' to make you happy- get-chu out of this depressed mood" you gave him and apologetic look like you were sorry you were acting like this- after that ace left the room suddenly without another word like he had forgotten something. You assumed you had angered him with your attitude.

About ten minutes later ace came in with the musician of the ship- who started playing your favorite song on the violin but instead of the lyrics your boyfriend started to sing his own version—you beat believe it was cringe

" (y/nnnnnnn) please be happy- stop being sad or I'll get really mad and then we won't get to cuddleeeee! If you don't smileeee~ I'll have to hug you while singing this stupid songgg so please smile for..........meeeeeeeeee~" the musician ended the note as ace got on his knees and finished dramatically-

Your face was paused for a second...then a minute- before you busted your gut laughing- tears prodded your eyes you were laughing so hard as you sarcastically clapped "a-...ace that was so..hahaha good hahah"

Ace sighed in releif as he took his hat off and bowed like he had just preformed infront of a live audience- seeing you laugh he wiped his brow and put his hat back on.

"Phew there's that smile..."

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