"If you say please-" | vinsmoke sanji x reader🔆|

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Scenario: you wake up in the middle of the night hungry, then you pester your boyfriend to make you something.

Boyfriend: vinsmoke sanji

- being a pirate was hard. I'm sure that sounds cliché but it's not any less true. Being a women pirate was even harder- especially on a ship full of men. Though through all the hardships you've faced you've found one saving grace

and that was your lover sanji. The blonde, swirly eyebrow cook of the straw hat pirates.

Sanji was known for being a sucker when it came to beautiful women, you figured this out when you first met him- what was different about you though was that you actually...accepted and returned his affections?

You didn't laugh at him, or shoo him away, or slap him, you didn't even make a disgusted face when you saw how disturbing he looked when he was drooling over you, robin, nami- or anything with a nice pair of tiddies.

The way you cared for him and the things he liked is what drew sanji to you. And you adored sanji all the same- you two have been keeping it on the low these past couple months.

The crew has an idea but they haven't heard either one of you actually say you loved the other. Due to this secrecy all your meetings and couple tendencies were usually at nighttime.

Remember when I said being a lady pirate sucks? Well imagine being a lady pirate on your period. You were starving- to the point where you were thinking about just going outside and into the ocean to catch your own dinner.

Chopper was starting to look really tasty.

Rousting out of your hammock your eyes scanned over the room to see everyone asleep- and your blonde boy was also snoozing propped up against the door since he was supposed to be keeping watch.

Carefully tip toeing over everyone sleeping body's you made your way over to sanji, taking the cigarette out of his mouth he almost immediately snapped out of sleep.

"Hey what th....(y/n)?...your awake it's almost morning"

Sanji said with concern as you pouted and pointed to your grumbling stomach "my stomach sanjiii...it's empty..please if it's not to much trouble can you fix me something light? I'll take a peice of lettuce at this point"

Sanji was simply amused by your behavior before a bit of that love struck idiot came out of him "oh it's no trouble at all (y/n)~ swannn...anything for you. If my love is hungry then what am I to call myself a man if I do not feed her." As sanji was heading up the stairs you followed and he got a devious idea

"Although...there is something I'd like you to say first (y/n) dearest.." the blonde turned around blinking his one eye flirtatiously "what babe I'm hungry-" you pleaded with your Romeo as he took out his box of cigarettes and lit the thing- blowing a heart shaped puff of smoke your way

"Say please-"

Your head slumped "seriously?..sanji I'm starving over here can we save the manner class for later" you refuted but sanji wouldn't budge "fine- fine fine fine....may I please have a dish sanji....my love" adding the nickname for extra effect you stared down a serious face sanji for a minute

Two minutes

Two and a half minutes

Then your face was met with two big heart shapes and a swiveling sanji "oh (y/n) swannnn I love it when you call me names~!!"

Shaking your head you ushered sanji to keep it down as he swiveled on into the kitchen- starting to prepare you the meal you request. He made you a creamy chowder soup with a warm glass of tea. It was perfect to smooth your cramps and pains

"Mmm thank you sanji...this was perfect" you said rubbing your stomach from the soothing meal you just had- the sun peaking through the windows signaling the crew would wake up any minute.

"I'm glad you liked it (y/n)...now if you'd like to pay your compliments to the chief I wouldn't mind~" your lover said being the flirt that he is he leaned over the table in an attempt to capture your lips in a kiss, but instead was met with your chuckling tone and a finger to his kiss shaped lips .

"Hehehehe, ah yes I'd love to pay my compliments to the chef if.......he says please!"

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