"Ah-...why are you staring at me?" |Roronoa zoro x reader🧩|

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Scenario: you wake up next to your boyfriend, you accidentally start staring and he wakes up to catch you right in the act.

Boyfriend: roronoa zoro

- taking a deep breath your mind slowly retreats from its recent state of unconsciousness. Light slowly pierces your eyelids and a groan of discomfort comes from you as you prepare to roll out of bed, something stops you though as you realize your boyfriends strong arm was wrapped around your waist.

His grip on you made you blush- feeling like you were important to him. Which you were cause he wouldn't have done the things he did to you last night if you were not important ;)

But anyway you softly rubbed his tensed up muscles, all the way from his forearm to his shoulder, then to his neck- you cupped the back of it as your fingers spread into his green hair. Your boyfriend was so attractive- even sleeping he could steal your heart right from your chest.

Speaking of chest his was on full display, the scar over it reminding you of how brave and courages he is. It moved up and down with his slow, deep breathes.


You called to him in a soft whisper as the alarm clock behind his body read 9:38am. It was time to get up and start your guy's day. But ol zoro seemed to have other plans as he answered you with silence.

Your lips pursed into a pout. Scooting closer you were about an inch and a half away from his face- your chest pressed up against his so you could feel his exhale on your cleavage.

About to say something you stopped yourself to admire his face. Damn..you've never been this up close for so long- yes you kissed and whatnot but never just sitting there taking in every feature. Every blemish, every curve or rounded surface. Even his eyelashes were sexy-

What did you do to deserve such a man.

Staring for a bit long the clock changed to 9:44 realizing you had been staring for 6 whole minutes. Your hands still in his hair you moved them a bit to get his attention

"Baby we gotta get up come on...zoro-"

You spoke many of his nicknames, moving your legs with his you were sure he'd wake up. But not even a single budge. You moved his shoulder and that earned you a grunt but no further progress

"Babe...love- babyyyy.........daddy"

That last one caught his attention as you saw a little smile form on his smug ass face. Smirking yourself you played with his earrings on his ear "I knew that'd get you up- why were you sleeping so deep?" You asked making eye contact with zoro as he finally said something in a low, grumbly morning voice.

"Well it's kinda hard to wake up with you staring at me?" You simply blushed knowing that roronoa was awake at the first word you had said.

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