Ch.1: Zero: The Difference Between Nothing & Everything

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   "Alright, and the deal is done! That'll be $4,612 a month and we renew our contract in 5yrs if nothing goes wrong. I hope your business goes well!" The man said putting on a casual business smile. He had just finalized a deal to a young, and quite ambitious lady, for an apartment with two stories. The bottom being a store front, and the top, a living space. "Thank you so much, I hope you have a wonderful day." The young lady said as she escorted the man out of her new home. She wore the same business smile, trying her best to not bring attention to the fact that she desperately wanted him to leave. "It was nice to meet you, Ms. [L/N], be sure to enjoy yourself, Fukuoka has a lot to offer" 'Yeah, so I hear...' She thought to herself, still smiling. She was no idiot, in fact quite the opposite. She's done her research: Fukuoka, a place rumored to have 3% of it's population as hitmen. Where money circulates by the millions, and the reason why this young lady, [Y/N] [L/N], has decided to put her life on the line.

   "Ahh, I finally got him out the door!" [Y/N] said sighing to herself and talking to no one at all. 'I really do need to be more careful... you never know who anyone really is in this city... but with that aside!' She thought to herself as a grin began to form on her face, 'It's time to get renovating!' Even though she'd only been in her new home for an hour and a half, she was in no need of a break. 'Goal set: Finish your living area today' She thought to herself making a mental memo. It was about 8 in the morning and she wanted to be home by 8, she thought anytime past that would be a tad dangerous. She then set off!

~ Time Skip: To house set up ~

    After shopping all day, driving around a big.  moving van, hauling everything upstairs, cleaning up, and setting up all her furniture, there was one final touch. "There!" [Y/N] said setting up a butterfly cage which sat beside her bedroom window. They made a home feel like home to her. She had to leave her butterfly cocoons behind since there was no efficient way to take them with her, so she bought caterpillars instead to put in the cage. She always felt joy in releasing butterflies she'd raised herself. It was as if seeing herself as the butterfly. The thought of exploring the unknown without fear was fascinating. In the sky you can see everything without having to worry what is behind you or what other people would think. It was just you and an adventure

   She laid in bed, tired but ready for tomorrow. She laid awake for a bit, thinking about the amazing deal she got on her apartment, she had a bathroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom, and even a work room! Now all that's left is to set up shop...

~ Time Skip: Two weeks later, the shop is finished a business is running ~

   In just two weeks, [Y/N] made quite the name for herself in Fukuoka, with hundreds of people walking in everyday to buy her top notch, upgraded technology. [Y/N] was pleased to see her business sparking. 'I knew this was the right decision! Don't worry mom, I'll make you proud!'. It was about time to close shop. She strictly set work hours from 9 to 5 with Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays off. Being your own boss has it's perks. She closed up and set out to get something to eat, feeling a little more comfortable in Fukuoka.

   Suddenly, [Y/N] found herself on the ground "Oh! Whoops, excuse me young lady~" said a man who also looked to be in his 20s with blonde hair that had a single pink stroke going through the front. 'This is quite shocking... this is my first encounter with a pickpocket... What should I do?' [Y/N] knew what he was doing but wasn't quite sure what to do about, but then it hit her. She extended her hand for him to take "AHH!" [Y/N] scream as she fell onto the man , pretending her ankle had been twisted. She was no pickpocket, but it was easy enough to swipe her wallet back from him. "I'm sorry, it seems my ankle is kinda twisted... I'll be find though, it doesn't hurt too much, it was just the sudden shock from getting up" [Y/N] said with a closed eyes smile. The man stared at her for a bit and a flash of guilt could be seen before he smiled again. "I'm sorry... I wish there was more I could do, but I'm kind of in a rush, if we run into each other again, I promise it won't turn out the same way, see ya!" The man said walking away. [Y/N] sighed to herself 'That was a close one'. She made her way to a small restaurant to grab a bite as she originally planned.

After eating and paying her bill, [Y/N] was about to walk out when she heard another person begin to speak. "Excuse me sir, I believe the total on my bill is wrong" said a man with light blonde hair in a bowl cut. He had gray eyes and looked to be around [Y/N]'s age. 'He's pretty cute' [Y/N] thought to herself, finding eyes staring at the boy.
"I don't understand what you mean sir, your total is $32.46" "Let me correct myself then, it a scam" The man said, smirking which left the cashier flustered. "You see, in the print, there's a gap between in-between the 2 and decimal place and leaving a space there leaves you with the freedom to add another digit there if you so please, and since my figure prints are already on the receipt, and I've been caught holding it on the CCTV footage, I can't sue you for it. This is obviously a scam for people who pay with card" the cashier was now fuming, but then smirked "Well sir, I don't know what you mean, but it's either pay or be charged with an offense, if you feel uncomfortable paying with card, please hand me the right amount of cash" "Tch" The man expressed out loud, thinking about his next course of action.
"Umm, I can cover it, no need to make a scene" [Y/N] said with an awkward smile, stepping between the two. The man baffled, but then he whispers "Oi, what do you think your doing?" "Being a good samaritan. It's fine, I don't expect anything from you." [Y/N] whispered back as she handed the cashier exact change and then the both walked out.

"I don't like to owe people I'll have you know, here, let's head to an atm" he said walking and [Y/N] followed " A word of advice, I don't recommend carrying cash around, not the safest option" "Well it sure saved your butt, but thanks, I'll keep that in mind" The man looked at [Y/N], clearing admiring her for a second to quickly look back at where he was headed, a gas station.

"Here, $40, to pay you back, and for the hassle" "You didn't need to give me any extra" "It's a lot less than what was to be charged to my card, you know, a single zero can be the difference between...."

"Nothing and Everything" [Y/N] said finishing off his sentence. They smile at each other. "What's your name?" Asked the man "[Y/N], and you?" " Enokida. Let's... run into each other again sometime okay? But next time with me saving your butt" he chuckled and [Y/N] giggled "Till we meet again"

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