Chapter One

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Chapter one
A girl is getting ready when suddenly her mom calls her.
Mom: Abhiti sweetheart come down fast
The girl is revealed as Abhiti Rathod
Abhiti: Coming Mom. Two mins
Abhiti was about to go down when her hand started paining
Abhiti: Bloody hell. Again this pain. Let me put spray on it and go down
She was about to get a spray but she fainted before that....When she woke up she was at an unknown place

Abhiti's pov
How the hell did I reach here... I was in my room getting ready for my birthday then how am I here...Shit everyone might be getting worried for me when they won't find me inside my room...fuck

Author's pov,
Suddenly she sees a man coming towards her...The man had a calming aura around him...he was wearing a dhoti and white angavastra and had a peacock feather on his crown...Abiti instantly recognized him and ran towards him and sat near his feet and took his blessings
Abhiti: Lord Krishna
Krishna makes her stand up
Krishna: Sisters place are in the heart not at our feet, so don't repeat this
Abhiti: Sister??
Krishna:Why don't you consider me as ur brother??
Abhiti: Who am I to say no...But lord why am I here I mean my parents, family and boyfriend will be searching for me when they find me missing
Krishna: You are here because your time in Kalyug has ended...Now you have to go to the place where you originally belong
Abhiti: But lord how is it possible..I am born to Abhishek and Ashiti Rathod...How can I leave my parents and family
Krishna: First of all stop calling me lord call me bhrata and how can u leave I will tell you why were you in Kalyug....You are actually Princess Abhiti of Avanti...You are here because of a wish that you asked to Mahadev...let me tell you what actually happened

Princess Abhiti was a shy, timid girl. Her parents got her married to a prince however they didn't know he was a drunkard. She was ill treated by him everyday but couldn't oppose him. Meanwhile Avanti was attacked and Abhiti lost her family along with a lot of people of Avanti. She always regretted that she couldn't save her family and her people. Once in a drunk state the prince killed Abhiti. She died in regret. In the next birth she was born as Asha a commener but since she had so many regrets in last birth she remembered her previous birth and its happenings. She decided to do severe penance to please Mahadev. Soon he was pleased by her penance and told her to ask for any wish. She told him that she wishes to correct her previous birth's mistake and save the people of Avanti. Mahadev warned her that what she wished would be very difficult. However Asha (Abhiti) said that she doesn't mind because it is for her people. So Mahadev granted her wish. Pleased by selflessness Narayan blessed Abhiti that she would be undefeatable in all the weapons and she would know all the divine and celestial weapons. Asha took their blessings and then they vanished. After few days Asha killed herself.
Story ends

Abhiti: So Lord I mean bhrata why didn't I take birth in Dwaparyug instead of Kalyug.
Krishna: Well you are already present in Dwapar yug
Abhiti: I did not get you
Krishna: Well we decided to split your soul into two halves. One was living in Dwaparyug as Princess Abhiti and learning all the weapons and warfare whereas you were staying in Kalyug and even u have knowledge about modern warfare as you were RAW Agent
Abhiti: But why in Kalyug??
Krishna: That you will realise gradually
Abhiti: What about my family in Kalyug?
Krishna: You have been erased from their memories
Abhiti was hell upset that her family would forget her
Abhiti: They might forget me but what about me? How will I live without my mom, dad, mumma(dev's mother), papa(dev's father), bhaiya and dev? Once I go in dwaparyug after sometime I would be asked to marry someone but how will I be able to do so? I have loved Dev since past ten yrs and we are in relationship since past 8 yrs. How will I forget all of this? ( Dev asked her to be his girlfriend when he was 14 and she was 12 but they know each other since 20 yrs as their parents are best friends)
She broke down at the end while saying this
Krishna consoled her and wiped her tears
Krishna: Well about parents don't worry ur real parents won't let u feel their absence....And you have two other brothers as well as me and dau...Well I can't separate you from Dev so don't worry you will get married to Dev only
Abhiti: How will Dev come here??
Krishna smiles and says
Krishna: Well u can leave it to me and you will find out gradually
Abhiti: Okay. But don't you think its unfair that I had an easy life whereas she got such a difficult life while learning weapons and warfare
Krishna: Well one of you had to do it also u are technically one soul so it doesn't matter plus you also had to bear the pain what she went through....Also being a Raw agent was a difficult life as well
Abhiti: Ohh so the pain that I had in the body every now and then was due to that....Now I understand
Krishna: So ready to go to Dwaparyug?
Abhiti: Just stay with me and bless me that I can succeed this time
Krishna: You have my blessings and now when you wake up you and your other part will be one so don't will have all the knowledge as well remember the people when you meet them
Abhiti nodded and closed her eyes and remembered her family and everyone close to her
Abhiti(whispered): I will miss you mom, dad, mumma, papa, bhaiya and Dev
Suddenly everything becomes black and she faints
Krishna: You will never miss your Dev (He smiles mysteriously)

I hope you like the first chapter....I know soul splitting is not possible but its a fanfic and I made it possible... Do vote and share ur feedback through comments

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