Chapter Three

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Chapter 3
On the day of Kalapradarshan

In Hastinapur,
The Pandavas were getting ready for their Kalapradarshan.....The five brothers were checking their weapons and talking......But Sahdev was a little lost and was not participating in the talks except for a few words here and there.....The other 4 noticed and glanced at each other worriedly

Yudishthir: Sahdev are you okay??? You seem a little lost since past 2 days

Sahdev: No jyesht I am completely fine

The other 4 just nodded worriedly as they felt he is hiding something

Arjun: You know you can talk to any of us any time

Sahdev: I know that Bhrata, don't worry I will tell you if there is something

Sahdev's pov,
I wish I could tell you everything Bhrata but when I myself am so clueless and confused about certain things how will I tell you....He did tell me all my confusion will be cleared today and I hope it does because it is becoming very frustrating for me to live like this.....I guess I should trust him and forget all of this and concentrate on the Kalapradarshan right now

Author's pov,
Soon the kalapradarshan started and Ashwatthama started to call the princes one by one.... First it was Duryodhan and then entered Nakul on an eagle....He gave a tough fight to Duryodhan but unfortunately he got defeated.....Then Ashwatthama called Sahdev in the arena but sadly even he couldn't win against Duryodhan

On the other side,
Abhiti's pov,
I should reach in approximately half an hour from now.....Its sad that I can't even remember my family....Even my mobile has no pictures of my family except Dev and Vedant (her best friend).....Its weird as I remember each and every memory with Dev and Ved but not with anyone else.... Also what promise would Maa have given to Maharani Madri and Maharani Kunti that it will change my life.... In this era life of a girl is changed due to marriage so does it mean that Maa has promised my marriage to someone....No no it can't happen why would mata fix my marriage when I was just 4....Maybe its something else and I am overthinking......Yup I am overthinking only coz why would Maa fix my marriage....But this time I will correct all the injustice that happened......Even Gandharraj Shakuni will receive punishment because as per my knowledge he just received death which is not fair....Also I won't let anyone harm my family and the people of Avanti till I am alive.... Thank God I reached Hastinapur only otherwise the way I was lost in my thoughts I would have definitely taken another route and would have been lost or late.....Now lets deliver the letters and leave

Author's pov,
Abhiti enters Hastinapur and tells the guards her visiting purpose and also provides them a permit letter with the official royal stamp of Avanti given by the King certifying that she is the Princess of Avanti.....After getting directions from the guards she goes to the arena where Kala pradarshan is going on....Luckily she finds a seat in the sitting area as she needs to wait till the event ends for the day to give the letters

Till then Ashwatthama had already called second Pandav Bheem....Their fight was intense and it seemed like Bheem had the upperhand but unfortunately Duryodhan started bleeding after a particular blow he received by Bheem which led to him being disqualified

Till now Abhiti has just seen just 1 Pandav i.e. Bheem as the others were standing at one side and weren't visible from where she was sitting

Then Ashwatthama called the remaining Pandav i.e. Arjun.....Abhiti's heartbeat were fast as she knew there will be an attack on him even though she knew nothing will happen to him and the same thing happened..... Arjun was safe and then she calmed down

Arjun and Duryodhan fighting and clearly Arjun was having an upperhand.....The Pandavas were very happy watching their brother fight and defeat that egoistical kaurav (except Yudishthir who was neutral)....Abhiti had been watching everything keenly

After defeating Duryodhan, Arjun was declared as the best archer in the aryavart by Guru Drona.....However a particular warrior did not agree with the same and decided to enter the arena and prove that there are other warriors who can defeat him as well.....He was none other than Suryaputra Karna
(Ps: Karna has not received any curse from Bhagwan Parshuram as he already told his reality from the start....also Bhagwan Parshuram has not taken any oath of not teaching anyone other than brahmins so he taught Karna as well as someone else)

Kripaacharya(kulguru): Who are you and what is your caste??

Karna: My name is Karna and I am the son of Pitashree Adhirat and Radhamaa.....My father is the charioteer to Mahamahim Bhishma

Kripaacharya: Impossible how can a charioteer's son (sutputra) fight Kuru kumar

A voice: Why can't he?? (Who will it be??)

Character intro:
Vedant Khanna:
Age: 20yrs
Best friends with Abhiti Rathod....Was studying BMS along with her
Other things will be known in future

I hope you guys like the chapter.....Do vote and comment.....Also let me know if you guys are liking my story so far
Ps: Not proofread so ignore the spelling as well as grammar mistakes

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