♡ : 3

648 21 9

You were worth the wait,
every minute of it. One day you will find me,
and I will find you, just as it's meant to be.

"Tendou! I told you not to put the notes there!"

"Eh? What was that Semisemi??~" Tendou cooed, leaving Semi to slam his hand on the desk, violently pointing at the red head, who only eyed Semi with his narrowed eyes, the two arguing back and forth while Tendou teased him.

"I-Is this what always happens...?" (Y/N) asked, who was seated beside Ushijima, the two awkwardly watching Tendou laugh at Semi's out burst.

"Usually not." Was all he spoke, while the (h/c) haired girl nodded her head nervously.

"Well we should work on our part while they figure out theirs." (Y/N) smiled, who earned a nod from Ushijima as she passed him her notes from last night allowing him to study from hers, since Semi's notes were much more messier due to Tendou writing all over it.

"Semisemi!! They are doing the work without us!!" It's only been a day since (Y/N) and Tendou interacted, but the nickname 'Chaotic Tendou' was already applied to him by her, his sudden outbursts in class, or his little snickering that would get him in trouble. Overall he was surprisingly a great student, but his personality was something that only revolved around playfulness. And he wasn't afraid to show it at all.

"Not true. (L/N)-San let me borrow her notes." Ushijima calmly let out, continuing to look over her notes. (Y/N) glanced at Tendou for a second, who only stared at her with his usual wide eyes and smile.
Of course she didn't mind, she gave a soft smile back at him before turning her attention towards Ushijima, who was writing in his notebook.
Tendou stood there, slightly surprised.

A story that took place in a world that was black and white, a girl who, with no hesitation, gladly let me hear the words that I needed to hear.
The words I didn't know I needed so bad.
It was high school now, and usually when someone makes eyes contact with me, I can easily sense how uneasy they get, and that stupid awkward smile they force themselves to put on when their eyes meet mine. But not her... no, (Y/N) didn't hesitate. There was so sign of uneasiness. If my elementary school sweetheart is you..... I wouldn't be surprised.
You're just as sweet as her after all.


It was finally the end of the day, it was a rough day today for some reason. Getting invited to eat lunch with those big guys in (Y/N)'s 1st period was incredibly awkward, not because of them no, it was mostly since (Y/N) hardly knew them. Aside from Semi, it was rather hard to make small talk with Ushijima, but not once did she show that she couldn't handle it. Tendou on the other hand, well, he was busy with a few other members from what she assumed to be from whatever club they were in.

"You don't have to invite me just because I don't have any friends here." (Y/N) lightly chuckled, walking out with Semi, who nervously scratched his head.

"It's not that." He bluntly replied, looking down at the ground as they both exited the school, stopping at the main gates. "There's just someone in our group who I may think is interested in you.."
(Y/N) blinked her eyes, did she hear correctly? Semi eyed her from the corner of his eye, watching her clueless expression change to laughter.

"Me?? Oh no, I don't do relationships!" (Y/N) kicked some dirt from the ground, her eyes looked relaxed as they stared up at the sky. Semi only looked at her for a brief moment before he too, looked up at the sky, that was barely fading into vibrant orange and red.

"Well I don't know for certain if they are interested like that... But.. why aren't you? If i may ask that is..." Semi watched as her once relaxed face twisted into a small frown. "You don't have to-"

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