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     UZUME BRUSHED HER BANGS from her eyes while Sokka rambled about them being ahead of schedule. The boy had not only cut her hair back to its original length, but also gave her bangs after wrestling with Toph for the scissors. Katara left two little braids in her hair, wanting to spice it up.

        "How did you pick this place?" Toph asked from beside Uzume.

     "Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on a map. It's uninhabited, and the harbor surrounded by cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place." Sokka explained casually. Uzume hummed while she surveyed the area. She certainly knew not even Azula knew of this place.

        Katara readied herself for bed, "Nice choice Sokka. And we're here four days ahead of schedule."

       Aang turned to them shocked, "Wait, four days! The invasion's in four days!"

         Uzume nodded at the frightened boy while Sokka settled next to her, "Whatever. That's like... four days from now. Let's just calm down, and ..." He fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow. Uzume understood the kid's panic. She didn't want to return to the palace.

       "Sokka's got the right idea Aang. We're here, we're ready... the best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest." Katara settled down. Uzume and Toph followed, Toph cuddling into Uzume's chest.

       Toph needs you as a big sister.

         They all woke up the next morning to the sound of Aang punching a tree. Katara drowsily turned to Sokka with a confused look. Sokka shrugged and laid back down, bringing Uzume down with him.

          "Hey, how long have you been up?" Katara asked Aang slowly.

        Aang continued to punch the tree, "A couple hours. I got a lot more skills to refine if I'm going to fight Ozai."

          Uzume hummed from below the two bodies laying on her, "He's right. Azula knows about the plan so this won't be as easy. Plus, I've talked to the guy... he sucks."

        Katara glared at Uzume's unhelpful words and turned back to Aang with a loving voice, "You know there is such a thing as over-training."

         Aang punched the tree harder, causing the leaves to fall on him. The sound woke up Toph and Sokka so they got up from their pile on Uzume.

          Uzume sighed as she cuddled into her blanket, Momo joining the resting girl and curling on top of her head.

         The two water tribe siblings tried to alleviate Aang's anxiety, only for him to walk off. Sokka groaned and turned to Uzume's resting body.

       "Uzume, please speak to him." Katara said, causing Uzume to groan, "Why me? I'm resting from being practically murdered."

         Sokka shoved Katara, "Because you're like a cooler Katara. You and Aang just get along for some reason."

         Aang needs you to support him. He thinks he's all alone, but with your new revelation, you can help him restore the Air Nation.

           Uzume's eyes snapped open at the words bouncing in her head. She stretched and walked in the direction of Aang.

          She found him sitting on a cliff watching the ocean. She sighed while she sat down next to him, letting her feet dangle.

         "I'm not as good at calming people down as I thought... but you need to relax."

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