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Boo Woods

October 1955

The large Boo sat, wrapped in a fine purple cape, listening to the hustle and bustle outside. This was it. In a few short moments, he would be the most powerful Boo of them all. Nobody really thought he'd make it to this point, but here he was. His tongue protruded from his mouth as he envisioned all of the things he'd do once he was on the throne, how he'd make Boo Woods a better place—how he'd crush his dominion's enemies underfoot.

Then, he molded his face into the most solemn expression he could muster. This was supposed to be a solemn occasion, and he was expected to show humility. Otherwise, the Boos would think they allowed a maniac to assume power, and he didn't want to give that impression, now did he?

Oh, yes. These fine woods had a promising future ahead of them, and from here into eternity, he would rule supreme.

The door opened, a smaller Boo poking their head in. The large Boo turned to meet their eyes, rising from his chair.

"Yes?" he asked.

The Boo grinned. "We're ready for you," they announced before disappearing.

Composing his features into that singular solemn expression, the large Boo smoothed out his cape, which had a violet brooch in the shape of a crescent moon pinned to it, and floated toward the double doors before him. Outside, two Boos pulled open the door, and the large Boo began his glide down the aisle, past the sea of his future subjects—and toward his destiny.

It was time.

            It was time

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[His robe]

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