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Irene Pov

I just finish taking a bath and I have nothing to do in my room

My members are eating outside for dinner I didn't join cause I just ate

Oh I know maybe I should call Monkey

I said to myself as I grabbed my phone excitingly

I searched Lisa's name in my contacts and when her name popped up I pressed it and call her

After a few rings she finally answered


Hey Monkey!

Hey Hyunnie!

She sounded weird.. Her tone is not the usual energetic tone it was raspy and I can hear hurtness in the tone of her voice

Hey are you alright?
Why are you crying?

I'm fine Hyun don't
worry about me

Where are you?

I'm at the park why?

Stay right there and
Wait for me

What? No its okay you
Don't hav---

I didn't let her finish when I hang up

I grabbed the coat that is in my closet and quickly wear some shoes and went to the park as fast as I could

I'm worried that something might happened to her it's late and it's not safe for her to be wondering around in the streets of Seoul

Wait for me Lisa.....


Once I got to the park I start searching for her

After a few minutes of searching I saw someone sitting at the nearby lake a figure similar to Lisa

I slowly walk near the person who is siting at the side of the lake and when I'm close enough to see her face I sigh of relief went out of my mouth

I then walked towards her and sat beside her


I called her

Hyun? What are you doing here? It's late already

She said while looking at me

I told you to wait for me didn't I? So here I am

I said to her

You actually came....

She said softly

What makes you think that I wouldn't?

I asked her

I don't know maybe because I'm not important? I've never met someone who is actually willing to waste their time and energy for me

She said and I can sense the hurtness in her voice

I then look at her sadly

Well I'm here now. And I'm willing to to cross the ocean just to see if your fine

I said to her and she look at me and I saw dry tears in her eyes

Thank you Hyun.... You never fail to make me feel Important

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