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Lisa​ Pov

He's gay.

Hyun said making my jaw dropped

I felt my cheeks heating up as I felt embarrassed

O my gosh... I was jealous because of nothing.... But bitch can you blame me? He's handsome to be a gay


I said looking away while scratching my nape awkwardly

Yeah and he have a boyfriend and their going strong

Hyun said and I nodded

I-I'm sorry

I said while lowering my head

It's okay I understand

She said smiling at me

Then a minute of silence

So... Are you not going back? It's late

Hyun asked me

Uhmm I'm not staying at the dorm I'm staying at a hotel tonight

I told her and she take a second before nodding

Oh okay then

She said to me

I'll come with you is that okay?

Hyun said and I was taken a back

Why would she want to come with me? Well as much as I want to I don't want to trouble her more I know she's tired and I don't want to add to up to her tiredness

You don't have to. I know you're tired and I--

I didn't finish my words when she spoke

It's okay I don't mind I'll go with you

She said cuting me off and I just sigh and nodded

If that's what you want

I said to her


Irene Pov

We are now at some 5 start hotel that Lisa decide to stay in

I want to come with her so I can assure that she is safe on where she is sleeping

We then went to the counter to ask get her room key

Good eve madam what can I help you with?

The lady ask Lisa with a flirtatious tone but Lisa seem to don't notice it

She better stop that or else she will go home with no hair

Can I get my room key?

Lisa the oblivious baby asked her nicely cause she don't know that this lady over here is trying to get in her pants!

And no I'm not angry

Sure Madam only room for one?

She asked Lisa with the same tone

Amma beat this bitch up

Uhm Ye---

She cut Lisa  off

Cause if you're alone you can ask me for some company hehe if you know what I mean

The lady said with a wink in the end

I felt my blood boiling at the actions of this bitch

No she's not staying alone she's with me so she will be not needing your company thank you very much!

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