Chapter 1 "You Are Leaving Beacon Hills"

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Some kids go through a phase when they think that they're not actually related to their parents

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Some kids go through a phase when they think that they're not actually related to their parents. Blame it on hormones, or parents being shitty, but some people do go through that particular phase. Stiles never did. Despite the fact that he looks nothing like his dad or the fact that there are no birth certificates of him... until he got adopted it seems. After his father's funeral, Stiles started going through some of his stuff. That's where he discovered the letter addressed to him that told him how he, his dad, and Claudia, his mom, found him on the side of the road, tucked in a thin blanket. 

Dear Mischief
...the fact that you survived the biting chill of winter, spoke volumes about the strength of your spirit, your character. I wanted to give you a name just as strong and powerful. Mieczyslaw - to honor my father. You could never pronounce it as a child - Mishcief - you used to say, and even though you're not my son by blood, I love you, my little Mischief, stay safe and live a happy life.

With Love
Your Mom
Claudia Stilinski

He stared at the letter for a good twenty minutes, ignoring the shaking hands, as his tears soaked the previously crumpled-up paper. 

After the Nogitsune fiasco, Stiles woke up a new man – literally. For one, he had memories of a thousand-year-old fox spirit. Nogitsune also left him with a parting gift it seems – all of its nine tails. Stiles was a kitsune now. His eyes, glowing orange-red was all the proof he needed, as they stared back at him from the mirror reflection. 

He hasn't told anyone, he was still grieving. Nobody dared to bother him. That gave him an awesome opportunity to train his powers. Not that he needed to. Theoretically, he knew how to do every fox trick. Summon foxfyre, cast elaborate illusions, feed off the pain of other living beings (thanks Nogitsune!), use magic (so that's what the spark meant!) in form of energy manipulation and telekinesis (and various other things he yet had to explore), and transform into a fox. He had to admit he was one adorable fucker. Even though his eyes looked a bit unnatural, but he doubted any human who saw him would think that he was some sort of demon fox. 

Fast forward and Stiles found out that his friends couldn't stand him. No – they didn't come up to him and outright tell him that, but as a Nogitsune, Stiles had an uncanny ability to smell, feel and recognize negative emotions and their source. Resentment, hate, grief, pain – he was the cause of all of that, and some sick and twisted part of him, delighted in that suffering and discord. His friends couldn't look him in the eyes without flinching. Human Stiles wouldn't have noticed any of it, but Kitsune Stiles did, and it hurt more than being stuck in his own head, getting tormented by a violent fox spirit. 

Yesterday's altercation was the last straw...

"... so, what do you guys think?" asked Derek, staring at his pack-mates.

"I think it's a good idea," smiled at him Stiles, giving him an encouraging, friendly smile. That's when Cora Hale exploded.

"Why does he get to decide?" aggressively questioned the werewolf. "I can't even fucking look at him," she spat, running out of the room. 

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