¤Chapter Thirty-Seven¤

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Chapter Thirty-seven| Boys Will Be Boys

Euphoria continued to feel much more at home surrounded by Demetrius's family. After their little moment in the kitchen everyone seemed to accept her more than they already did. Some had left the day after and a few had still stayed behind. Demetrius explained that this normally happens because the men take advantage of being in America to check on their other businesses and run through a few things. So, that meant Euphoria had to get used to staying in the Manor for about a month. She didn't mind it. Euphoria had the big family that she's always wanted.

The ladies did almost everything together including going shopping. Euphoria even went as far as taking them to some of the odd jobs that she'd worked at. Penelope, Lisa, Nora and Gabriela had accompanied her to go fetch her degree. That night Demetrius had gotten her a brand new car: the Lamborghini truck she'd been lusting over the time he'd gone to fetch her from campus. It was safe to say neither of them had gotten any sleep as well.

Euphoria was at an all time high and nothing was stopping her from feeling ever so blissful. As though she was walking on sunshine and floating on clouds.

"There's something different about you." Katrina stated as they walked side by side towards the basement.

"Really like what?" Euphoria asked with a slight smile.

"I don't know for sure but you sure as hell are glowing and smiling a lot." Katrina pointed out.

"I'm just truly happy really." Euphoria  shrugged.

"Miss." Stewart, one of the I.T guys, bowed before her.

"Hi Stewart. How are you?" She asked the lanky man.

"I'm doing well and you miss?"

"I'm doing great. So what do you have for me today?" Euphoria had been slowly taking over the position as queen. Although she is supposed to do everything by herself Demetrius keeps withdrawing a few tasks from her in fear of overwhelming her. In which Euphoria had told him to stop doing. This was her life and job now too. But Demetrius doesn't listen to her complaints and reasoning.

"Today we have to go and check on a few of the strip clubs. There have been several complaints coming from the strippers themselves and they're requesting the female in charge."

"Do you know what the complaints are?" Euphoria frowned slightly.

"No they've been sent under the box that you're only allowed to open." Stewart stated as he gestured to the red boxes that needed her thumb print, rectna scan and hand print.

"They look really full."

"Yes that's why they've been brought down." Stewart nodded.

"Anything else?"

"A woman claiming to be your aunt sent various emails to all companies under the D'Agostino name demanding your attention."

"Oh? Demanding?" Euphoria frowned. "Did you ask for proof?"

"Yes she sent a package that has been scanned and checked by security waiting for you in your study." Stewart stated as he read from the tablet.

"Alright I'll have a look at it after lunch."

"Speaking of lunch the Godfather requests both your presence and young Salvatore's presences for lunch today at 13:30. He will send a car for you both."

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