¤Chapter Forty-One¤

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Chapter Forty-One| Double Trouble

Euphoria placed back and forth in the living room. She was trying to make sense of what she had discovered but couldn't. It just kept leading to more and more questions. She was heavily confused.

"I don't have a sister." Euphoria whispered to herself. "Let alone a fučking twin?" She stopped pacing and faced the woman who stood uncomfortably in the living room. "How the fučk are we twins? We can't be."

"I was as shocked as you were." The girl mumbled.

Euphoria took a deep breath. "Paula right?" The woman nodded. "Let's get you cleaned up and comfortable. You must be tired from spending the night in an interrogation room I have a few clothes you can borrow. After you take a shower and eat we'll have to speak about this."

Paula nodded. "Ok."

"Ok." Euphoria blew a breath. "Demetrius will be here by the time you come down."

Paula shook her head at her as she waved her arms frantically. Euphoria frowned. "No? Demetrius is a good guy. Not what-"

Paula lifted her shirt up and placed her finger against her lips. Euphoria's eyes hardened at the listening devices attached to her. "Not what the media makes him out to be. He's a big teady bear." Euphoria stated in a cheerful voice but her eyes remained the same. "Come on let me show you to your room."

Euphoria led Paula to her a room on the second floor. It was the first one near the stairs. "I'll have Katrina bring over a few clothes for you. Just pass me that." Euphoria indicated towards the listening devices. "And this one." Euphoria pointed to her ear.

"You know, to whomever may be listening, it is extremely illegal to spy and listen in on someone conversation. With that being said I  will be suing whoever you are and make sure that you'll be sorry."

Euphoria left Paula's room and found Edward outside waiting with the other gaurd Dave. "Edward sweetheart can you please go give this to the pigs that are probably down the street from here listening to people's private matters."

"Yes ma'am." Edwards nodded before taking the devices from her.

"Becareful not to drop the ear piece." Euphoria told him as she placed it on his palm.


"Twin?" Demetrius frowned at the revelation.

"That's what I was think but if you could see her she looks exactly like me Demetrius. The same honey brown eyes, nose, hair, lips and even ears." Euphoria exclaimed throwing her hands up.

"But I thought you said she was your aunt Melissa's kid."

"That's what David Daniels told me." Euphoria huffed.

"Weren't there pictures that you were looking at of her? Didn't you see it then."

"Honestly I had such a long day that day all I did was skim though some of the pages. I didn't go far  because the jealous and envious feelings were eating me alive." Euphoria admitted.

"Come here." Demetrius pulled her in his arms. "We will get through this. As crazy and unexplainable this is we will get through this alright? I'm here for you."

"Why do I have so much drama. At this point I'm a living, breath, walking telo-novela." Euphoria groaned aloud.

Demetrius chuckled at her dramatics. "If it makes you feel any better you're the only telo-novela I've ever watched in my whole life."

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