✖Texts between Sam and Colby✖

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Sam✨:  So what did you want to talk to me about?

Colbs🐨:  I need to talk to you about me...

Sam✨:  What's going on?

Colbs🐨:  I think that I might be gay...

Sam✨:  Are you serious?!

Colbs🐨:  Yeah... It's okay if you don't support me. I don't think you want to have a stupid fag ((I hate that word)) like me as your friend anyway

Sam✨:  Oh my God, Colby! Of course I support you! You are my best friend! You are not stupid or a fag. You are the most amazing person that I have ever met, and I wouldn't change anything about you

Colbs🐨:  Thank you, Sam. I really appreciate it

Sam✨:  That's what friends are here for, Colbs. Also, I have a question. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to though

Colbs🐨:  What is it?

Sam✨:  Who made you realize that you're gay?

Colbs🐨:  I can't tell you. Not now at least...

Sam✨:  That's okay. Tell me when your ready

Colbs🐨:  I will. Thank you

Sam✨:  For what?

Colbs🐨:  For supporting me, and being an amazing friend. I don't know what I would do without you❤️

Sam✨:  Anytime, Colby. I'm always, and will always be here for you, no matter what❤️


((This book is getting worse but good))

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