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A mist can be seen during the dawn. I'm still awake, currently sitting near my window pane, looking outside when my phone suddenly rang which caused an echo inside my room. My forehead creased because of confusion. Who the hell will call me in the middle of the night?

An unknown number is on my phone screen.

[Cole! It's me! Eli, remember?] My eyes widened [Hey?]

"Hey, Eli." A tone of hesitation can be heard from my voice, "How are you?"

[I'm okay, Cole! I missed you, let's meet up?] Happiness can be heard from the other line. That made me smile. Still the same Elizabeth I knew.

"Sure, Eli," I answered. I slept after that call. I don't know why but I feel happy. It's been years and I must admit, I missed her too.

A day became weeks. She wants to see me everyday. She's always excited to be with me. She wants me to go out with her and do shopping spree. Sometimes, she goes to my house and have some sleepover.

It's like she's making it up with me because she was gone for years. She seems to be very happy with my family. I know she missed them too. She goes out with her friends from time to time but mostly, she spends her time with me.

She makes me feel wanted and loved. It's like she's bringing back the old us- the way how we talk about life, the way how we care towards each other, and such. The questions that I've been wanting to ask her for years suddenly vanished.

What matters right now is her presence. She's with me, she's here- or at least, that's what I thought.

But the fear is still present inside my nerves. That maybe she's just doing these things to make it all up with me. I know, there's nothing serious going on between us but I also want to be sure. Something inside me wants to know more.

"It's been years since we last talked like this. You went, AWOL, Eli. You didn't even bother to tell me." I gave you a weak smile, "But now that you're back, I'm beyond happy."

You gave me your genuine grin, "You didn't lose me, Cole. I went away, our relationship ended just like that but our friendship stayed. I know you waited for me."

I heaved a deep sigh and stared at the sky. What a beautiful moment to stargaze. I looked at you, who's also staring above. You're still the most beautiful human being I ever saw, Eli.

"Why did you come back all of a sudden?" I asked you. You looked at me for a while and immediately looked away after. You smiled while staring at the stars. Silence conquered us. You didn't answer me and that gave me an instinct, "You're sick, Elizabeth. You are, aren't you?"

My heart pounded as you looked directly into my eyes, "I don't have enough time left, Cole." You shrugged, "I'm just enjoying what I have. I know, I've hurt you a lot when I left. That's why I want to enjoy my remaining days with you. I want to make the best out of it- even just for a month, weeks, days, who knows? I might be gone after an hour." A tear escaped from your eyes as you divert your gaze above.

"Why didn't you tell me?" My voice became weak as my whole body felt the same.

"Why would I? I was too afraid back then, how am I supposed to tell you? I tried to fight, Cole. Trust me, I tried." I can hear the pain from her voice. I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry, "I'm sorry, Cole. You didn't lose me and you will never lose me, remember that."

Silently, I cried. My heart broke into pieces. Damn it, Eli.

I looked again outside my window pane with my arms still wrapped around her. Darkness started to eat the surrounding. The stars lost its shine because of the mist.

I looked at my hands trembling, holding a knife full of blood. She told me that she's dying and in pain. I looked at her in confusion and she stared at me grinning like a devil, "I made you a favor, my love. You won't lose me because I know you'll see me on the other side," she whispered as my sight slowly turns black.

"How could you?" I asked you with my soft voice, blood also coming out from my mouth.

"Why wouldn't I? I told you, I'm sick, Cole. I want to be sure that I won't lose you. In return, you won't lose me too. And this is the only way. See you to death, my love."

--- photo taken from: Pinterest.

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