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It was a normal day in the hidden leaf village. Sakura had just woken up and decided to start her day. She brushed her teeth, combed her hair and started to get dressed in her doctors attire. She knew she would be in the hospital all day today, since some shinobi would be coming back from missions and would need healing and or surgery. So she decided to eat a big breakfast, since she really didn't know when she would have time to eat later on in the day.

After finishing her breakfast she was ready to head down to the hospital.

*flashback to 6 months in the past*

Life for Sakura has been very different since sasuke left on his journey almost 2 years ago...She was now 18 and a head doctor at her children's hospital and was also a alternate for the regular leaf hospital. The people of the leaf village truly admire Sakura. She is known as the ...Savior of the king. She was happy that the  people of the hidden leaf village honored her with such a legendary name.

Her days consist of working at her children's hospital or being an alternate doctor at the regular hospital in the village. Sakura didn't really have a love life. But she did have a social one.

The konoha 12 would still meet up from time to time, and enjoy barbecue at there favorite shop in the village. Sometimes she would meet up with the girls and enjoy a night out. Which mostly consisted of  drinking sake and reminiscing about the past. She loved her friends and her life but she felt as though she was always stuck in the same spot. Never moving forward. Yes she was an accomplished doctor and had a career for herself. But she felt as though something was always missing.

Most of the konoha 12 were either married or in a relationship. Hinata was now married to naruto and was very much in love. Ino of course ended up with sai but she really didn't know when he would pop the question. Tenten.... well she was tenten. She was hard to read. Nobody ever knew if she was interested in anyone, since she always was alone or on missions.  Kiba was what you called a "DOG"! He was always with a different girl and seemed to enjoy his single life. Lee however was always private about who he was dating. For some reason he just never wanted anyone to know, and everyone respected his wishes and knew he would Come out and tell them when he was ready. Everyone knew who shikamaru was interested in but who knew when he would make it official with Temari. Those 2 are so weird towards each other. And choji... well, he found love of all places at the food stands by the entrance of the hidden leaf village. He said it was love at first sight. Karui supposedly stole choji's heart, when she and him were fighting over a limited edition bag of potato chips. Funny right.

Out of the 12 of them only Shino,Sakura and neji just couldn't seem to find love. Neji after the war was very quite and liked to be alone. The only time sakura ever saw him with anyone, was when tenten took care of him in the hospital while he was recovering. Sakura thought those 2 would of ended up together for sure but it seems as though that would not be happening. As for shino..well he loved his studies. He always said he wanted to become a teacher and he was always training with iruka sensei at the academy. Sakura on the other hand...well she really didn't know what to do. She knew sasuke would return but she didn't know when that would happen. And when he finally does decides to return, she doesn't know if they will be together. So you could say sakura's love life is just a hot mess.

*back to the present*

As Sakura was heading to put her shoes on she heard a knock at the door. She opened her front door, to find the handsome Neji Hyuga. He still had his long hair,  big white eyes and ninja attire that he wore with some modifications due to not being a shinobi anymore.

"Sakura's memory"

During the 4th great shinobi war, Tsunade was able to save Neji when he was on the brink of death.

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