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"Are you ready sasuke?..." said Sakura while she stood next to her soon to be husband.

Looking down, sasuke stares at sakura. Thinking back to his younger years. Sasuke didn't think a day like today could be possible. But here he was, standing before his future bride. Ready to walk down the aisle.......Not saying a word, sasuke takes a hold of Sakuras hand, and looks her in the eyes and says "yeah." Sakura looks into her soon to be husbands eyes and sheds a tear and Smiles. "Okay...lets go". Still holding hands, the two walk down the long hall way towards naka shrine. This is it...this is where the journey finally begins.


Flashback to a week ago.

After meeting with sakuras parents, sasuke went on ahead and spoke to some of sakuras friends to help with the planning of the ceremony.

Everyone seemed to be on board with helping. He really didn't need to Persuade anyone into helping. everyone kind of just took matters into there own hands. They all decided on splitting the work up writhin one another. Sasuke wanted to have the weeding within the week, since they had to be on the road again in 2 weeks. So everyone helping with the arrangements was just what sasuke needed.

Ino was in charge of the flowers, while Hinata was to make sure the guest list was created. Shino voluntered to help find the venu for after the temple ceremony. While kiba was in charge of making sure security for the wedding was in place. Choji too asked to help. He wanted to create the menu and help with the catering. Tenten was pregnant so she wasn't in charge of anything in particular, but neji said he would help with making sure sakura schedule was covered so she wasn't needed in the hospital. Naruto of course wanted to help in any way he could, but sasuke was more so scared he would mess up something. So he told naruto he could help with finding sasuke a kimono to wear. Everything seemed to be falling into place and for the next 5 days everything was going according to schedule.


(2 days before the wedding.)

"Sasuke..what about this one.! It's blue and green.! It's the color of sakuras eyes !. ....ohhh ohhh what about this one .!!!! It's red like your eye and black like your soul HAHHAHAHAHAH. Ohhhh ohhh what about this ORANGE AND BLUE ONE .! THIS IS IT...THIS IS THE ONE. You know orange is what handsome men wear. I should know, I mean just look at me.! It's such a great color .!"

While naruto was talking out loud and I mean VERY loud. Sasuke was debating on knocking him out so he wouldn't have to hear him speak anymore.
" this dobe wont shut the hell up.! Maybe I should of thought about this, before asking him to help me out." Sasuke sighs to himself and looks at his only friend jumping from rack to rack trying to find the right kimono.

After 4 hours, sasuke and naruto walk out the kimono shop with attire in hand. Naruto had a smug look on his face and arms crossed.
"Are you going to stay like that all day.?" Said sasuke annoyed.

"Hum.!" Said naruto with his bottom lip out and head turned.

"I just don't get why you asked me to come and help and you picked a black kimono.! Like really black.! You couldn't pick ANY OTHER COLOR.!"

Sasuke looks at his friend annoyed and try's to keep his cool.

"Look dobe it's my wedding so shut it.!" Sasuke now reaching his limit. Looks at naruto and gives him a look that says "shut up already".

Naruto seems to take the hint and backs off. While walking back to sakuras. Naruto thought this be a good time to talk to sasuke about how he really feels about her.

"Hey..sasuke can I ask you a question.?" Said naruto with his hands in his pockets.

"What.?!" Said sasuke more annoyed now.

Still looking in front of him, naruto asks.. "what made you choose Sakura. I mean I love her and she's one of my best friends. But... I just... I never thought you would of chose her. I thought forsure you would of ended up with that Karin girl."

Sasuke didn't say anything at first. He just kept walking and had his poker look on his face. After 5 mins of silence, sasuke finally found the right words to explain his feelings towards Sakura.

"She reminds me of itachi." Said sasuke quietly.

Naruto keeps walking and smiles after hearing sasuke confess his feelings about Sakura to him.

"Yeah..she really is amazing." Said naruto while looking towards the town.

"Every time I'm near her...I feel his presence. As if he's telling me to never let her go. The only time I ever was truly happy in my life, was when I was with my brother. And she just..." sasuke Tights his fist around his bag with his kimono on the inside and looks down.

"It's okay sasuke, I get it. I truly don't need to explain." Naruto now facing sasuke, looking his friend in the eyes and smiling.

"Just promise me you will always take care of her. She's not my blood relative, but to me she's like a sister I never had. So I trust that you will take care of her."

Sasuke looks up and nods. "Yeah."

Naruto smiles and looks at the time and decides to head out and meet his wife at there home.

"Don't worry sasuke, everything will turn out just the way it needs to be. Just have faith. Alright well I gtg, see you tomorrow. Byeeee"

Sasuke watches as his friend disappears into the village streets. Soon that will be him going home to a family....his family.... clan uchiha.

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