Chapter 1

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"So you're sure it's a vampire?" Dean's voice was questioning and uncertain. Sam Winchester sighed at his older brother.

"Of course it's a vampire. What else would do such a mess? Bodies drained of blood, numerous accounts of animal attacks. People disappearing, Dean I think there's a nest of them. A big nest," Sam reassured Dean. The driver suddenly shook rabidly. Sam frowned and leaned back on the bench.

"What the hell Dean?" he asked looking at his brother like he was crazy.

"Nothing," Dean lowered his voice significantly. "Just got chills. Really don't like vampires."

Sam shook his head at Dean and looked the road. It was going quickly past him. The darkness was beginning to set. Sam frowned as he studied the documents more. He was going through them and one particular thing didn't match.

"Wait," Sam said to Dean who slowed the car down. There was no reason to go all the way to Mystic Falls if there was no monsters to kill. Dean turned his head to Sam and raised his brow glaring his brother with his green eyes. "There is this one thing that makes me wonder if it is about vampires, but it definitely is something. Worthy to check up at least."

Sam's brother scoffed annoyed. Why did he need to talk all the nonsense before revealing the reason? It's not like this was a TV show. "Come on Sammy. What is it?" he asked, not sounding as annoyed as he truly was. There was no reason to lash out on his baby brother, but to be fair they had had a rough night. And the only thing Dean searched for in Sam's words were worthy to check up on. He accelerated the car and sped past the sign that said 'Welcome to Mystic Falls'.

"In some cases there is documented two neat wholes on the victim's neck. Or multiple, I don't know, these are all very messy. Like someone has changed them," Sam said and ran his fingers through his hair. Dean squeezed the wheel and turned his face to Sam.

"Covering up their tracks?" Dean raised his brows and changed a meaningful look with Sam who shrug casually.

"I don't know Dean, but this is definitely worth looking." Sam moved his gaze to the dark road. It was raining. It felt like it was always raining.


"Damon, no! Knock, please," Caroline yelled from the bathroom of the Salvatore boarding house. Damon Salvatore stared at her with an amused face. He had barged into the bathroom, even though Caroline knew that he knew that she was in the bathroom.

"No, Caroline, no one cares," he said, still slightly amused and a crooked smile on his face. Caroline Forbes held the towel high up and kept on staring at Damon with her wide blue eyes. He had something to say surely, why else would he just walk inside a currently being in use bathroom. Caroline looked at him and pushed her head forward with a significant neck movement.

"So? What is it?" she asked and Damon nodded with a raise of his hand.

"I just decided to inform you that there are new vampire hunters in town. Or some kind of hunters I don't know and I don't care because you are going to take care of it," Damon said and meant to continue but Caroline cut him off.

"What?! Why would I take care of the killing?! It is your job and you like it so..." Caroline stated the obvious.

"No Caroline because you decided to go on a little rampage, which is not like you by the way, and kill those campers. So yes, it is your job to take care of them," Damon said. After a while he curled a smirk on his face, "Of course I and the rest of the Scooby gang are going to help, so yet again, the ones who cause the trouble don't do anything."

The blonde vampire scoffed and walked to the bathroom mirror. "Yeah well, you usually cause the trouble."

"Well, that's true, but this time I didn't," Damon looked at the blondie victoriously. "So you run along now and deal with them. Your mom just texted me, they are at the Grill right now."

Caroline inhaled deeply and bit her lip, tensing her jugular notch. She moved the light pink towel around her and waited for Damon to go. He stayed there for a bit, smirking and glaring; enjoying the awkward situation he created between Caroline and himself.

"Damon!" Caroline shouted with eyes wide open, waiting for him to leave. Damon nodded agreeing but before he turned around and left, he looked at Caroline's body.

"Oh yeah, and Caroline," he said and turned on his heels, "wear something pretty."

Caroline gritted her teeth, sped to the door and slammed it close. She swallowed and created a small wedge between her brows. Did Damon check her out? He couldn't, he was with Elena now that Elena decided to pick him.

Though Caroline loved her best friend with all her heart, sometimes she just wanted to smack her. What Elena Gilbert did wasn't right for Stefan, or Damon. She almost made the Salvatore brothers hate each other. Now Caroline couldn't say she was better; when Damon and Elena were on the outs, and Klaus had left town yet again, she and Damon shared a quick kiss. Though both of them drew away from it instantly filled with disgust, it had left the air funny. Besides little pure Elena cheated Damon when she and Damon were together; which Caroline didn't understand at all. And with who? No one except Elena knew.


so the plot is completely different than from either of the shows. I need some votes and comments to continue, so comment and vote!

Thanks lovelies :*

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