Chapter 2

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"Sammy!" Dean shouted from the leather covered seat. "Get me uh, one of those burgers," he pointed at one of the tables. Sam looked at the burger and then Dean. He was about five feet away from his big brother, and embarrassed to death. Sam nodded and turned on his heels, walking over to the bar.

"Hey could I get two beers and a burger," he said and looked at the bartender. She had short dark black hair, and a shade darker skin with pretty pair of green eyes. "To that table over there."

As Sam pointed the table where Dean was, his big brother pulled a goofy grin and a wave. The bartender chuckled as Sam looked back at her and nodded.

"We serve to tables, but sure," she nodded and turned around crouching down to a mini fridge level, grabbed two bottles. Sam looked down at the girl, her purple shirt and her dark blue jeans... Then she caught him looking. A gentle smile appeared on her lips. She opened the bottles and pushed them to Sam. "Here you go. Matt will bring you your food."

"Matt?" Sam raised his brows and the girl leaned on the bar counter and nodded her head towards a blonde male waiter serving other tables.

"Matt, who was going to get to you sooner or later," she smiled and arched her brows. "Anything else?"

"No, thanks, uh, Bonnie," Sam looked at the grey nametag hanging from her shirt. Bonnie turned her head slightly and her eyes moved over to the bar counter.

"No problem."

When Sam left to the booth Bonnie immediately turned around. She took her phone from her jeans back pocket and picked Damon's number. Now as much as she hated and despised him, he was good with these sort of things, and Bonnie knew something fishy was going on as soon as they entered the bar. And besides Damon wasn't that bad anymore, this summer when Elena and Damon were on the outs, Damon sought help in her.

Bonnie was more than surprised by that, but she was going out of town anyway, and Damon was a wreck. He just needed a friend. And they became really good friends, almost best friends. And then he had to screw it all up by leaving Bonnie alone, fleeing in the night because of one phone call from Elena. Bonnie couldn't believe that that was the only thing he needed to leave. One phone call from Elena Gilbert.

"Hey Damon, its Bonnie," she started when she heard Damon's voice on the other head of the phone. "And we got a problem."

She turned around and looked at the brothers sitting in the booth.

"What is it?"

"I don't think Caroline can handle these two. I got a vibe from them. They are not ones of the five, they are not vampires, werewolves or witches. They are something new."


Damon Salvatore had gotten Bonnie's message, and now he entered the Grill. His piercing blue eyes spotted the brothers immediately. Just as Bonnie had told him; one extremely tall and brown haired, the other one shorter with lighter hair and both of them wearing suits. Caroline Forbes stormed in right behind him, in a pretty black dress and a denim jacket. Damon had shrugged to her appearance.

He was feeling a little confused right now. Bonnie was there at the counter smiling to him, Elena was at home probably waiting for him to come home, and Caroline was right there next to him. Okay he could rule Caroline out. The things he had done to her in the past... They were just too awful for him, or her, to overcome. And the kiss they shared when Elena told him she would need time, it had just made things more clear. There was absolutely no intentions for him to take their relationship on the other level. And by the other level he meant relationship.

Damon noticed his phone's constant buzzing. It was probably Stefan, for Damon left him a message just a moment earlier. Stefan had went on and traveled around the world. He didn't take it lightly when Elena finally chose Damon. Damon had gotten cards from his baby brother, but he clearly held a gentle grudge towards Elena.

Sometimes Damon felt really bad. The way he just fell in love with his brother's girl, the way he stole her from him. The same thing with Katherine, though it was a bit hazy which one had Katherine first. The way he way he treated Caroline, abused her in such horrendous ways.

"Okay Blondie," Damon straightened his leather jacket and glanced at Caroline. "You know what to do?"

"Yes," she said quite perky. "I play the slutty girlfriend and you the jealous boyfriend. Got it."

Damon looked at her for a while and nodded. "Good, now go. Run along." As Caroline went over to the brothers, Damon headed over to the bar.

Bonnie's eyes caught Damon and she smiled wearily. He sat on the light stool and placed his hands on the counter.

"Long time no see," Damon's smile was faint and Bonnie didn't smile. She just looked at him; waiting. "So you're the new bartender, huh."

Bonnie shrugged and looked away from Damon. "Yeah well I need the money."

"I like your hair."

"Thanks," Bonnie said and grabbed a white rug which she used in cleaning the counter. "It's exactly the same as in this summer. Remember this summer Damon? When you left me alone in Italy?"

Damon swallowed and looked at his hands. It was true that he had left her in Italy, but she had made new friends and everything has already been taken care of by Damon's credit card.

"You're angry at me," Damon sighed and reached for a bottle from behind the counter. "But Elena called me and-"

"And you needed to leave immediately?" Bonnie's words made Damon face her. Look her straight in her green judgy eyes and face her. "I found out about Elena calling you after the summer. I would've understood, Damon. You should've told me."

"I know, and I just wanted to thank you," he said and took Bonnie's hand in his. "Thank you for being there for me when everyone else abandoned me."

Bonnie looked at Damon's piercing blue eyes and wasn't able to hold back a smile.

"And as much as you annoy me..." he started but got interrupted by Bonnie, smacking him I the shoulder.

"Hey! That was really sweet, why did you have ruin it by calling me annoying?"

Damon smirked wickedly and understood by the tone of Caroline's voice by the booth that now it was time to go and save her.

"You should go and help Caroline," Bonnie said and nudged her head towards the table that carried laughter in their ears.

Damon created a last and final glance towards Bonnie and got up from the stool. He left the bottle of bourbon there; he didn't even take a sip.

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