Chapter 3

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As soon as Caroline walked in with Damon, Damon walked over to the bar to see Bonnie, and Caroline over to the two men. First she walked briskly past them, but stopped and backed like she was interested in the new guys.

And she was for sure, and when she laid eyes on them she wished they weren't hunters. They were wearing suits. Caroline frowned gently; why were they wearing suits?

“Hi,” Caroline whispered and stopped. She looked at the two and smiled.

“Well hi there,” the lighter haired with a pair of blue green eyes said with a smug smirk. Caroline squinted her eyes to him and moved her gaze to the other one. He looked at her with seriousness in his brown eyes.

“You're new,” she said and turned her body towards them.

“Yeah, I'm agent Page and this is agent Plant,” the one who had brown eyes and hair said. “We're from the FBI.” Caroline glared at the two in turns before grabbing a chair behind her and sitting in the head of the table.

“Hmh that's funny. The singer and the guitarist of Led Zeppelin,” Caroline arched her brows and leaned on her left hand.

Dean looked at his brother and swallowed the last pieces of his burger. Damn this girl saw right through them. He straightened his back and wiped his tie. Sam was just as confused as his big brother, and the blonde waiting for the answer was pressing them.

“Yeah, what a coincidence,” Dean finally said with a forced smirk, and Caroline noticed it.

“So what are you doing here? Are you here because, uh,” Caroline leaned closer and curled a smile on her lips, “because of the camp murders?”

“Yeah, you wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?” Dean cocked his head, now was his turn to pressure her.

Caroline inhaled and stared at agent Page. She was so sure he was lying. They were hunters, for sure. But she wasn't sure of one thing; were they aware that she was a vampire.

“Hey.” Caroline got snapped out of her thoughts by Damon's hand on her shoulder. As much as she wanted to shake him off she couldn't. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah,” Caroline nodded but never left Dean's eyes. “I'm Caroline Forbes by the way.”

“Damon Salvatore,” Damon offered his hand and both Dean and Sam shook it.

“Agent Plant,” Dean said with a straight face.

“Agent Page,” Sam told with a dry smile.

“Agents wow,” Damon clapped his hands and took a step back. “You're with the FBI?”

Dean and Sam nodded, wondering Damon's agenda.

“Listen I live in the Salvatore boarding house and my uncle Zach used to take people in, almost like a motel but fancier, so if you need a place to stay just ask the address from the pretty bartender.”

What the hell is he doing? Caroline was almost frowning like a mad person. Almost.

Dean and Sam nodded thanking him. After that Damon walked away with Caroline tailing after him. They exited the Grill and as soon as they did, Caroline grabbed Damon by the arm, squeezing it tight.

“What the hell Damon? Why did you invite them to your home?”

Damon stopped and looked at Caroline’s face. He swallowed and glared ahead before answering. His lips drew a tight line as he looked back at her.

“Have you ever heard a saying ‘Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer’?”

Caroline’s expression looked down with confusion.

“But they could kill us when we sleep.”

“Well you could always move back to your house,” Damon smirked deviously and turned on his heels, walking away. He left Caroline to stare at the asphalt ground. Damon was such an asshole. She scoffed and went on walking in a different way. 


Dean and Sam walked out of the Grill and they both corrected their ties. Dean had a strange feeling about this town; especially its people. Caroline Forbes and Damon Salvatore were a little too friendly.

Sam walked behind Dean, thinking almost exactly the same thing. They were making their way to the Impala, but got interrupted by a loud woosh, slap of angel wings, and Castiel’s face. He startled the Winchester brothers, and Dean squealed silently.

“Cas!” he shouted trying to man his voice back. “You can’t just… do that!”

Castiel looked at him confused. He frowned and looked at Sam for a moment, who shrugged and moved to Dean’s level.

“I don’t understand what I did wrong,” he said his lips drawn as a tight line. Dean rubbed the temples of his head quickly, before raising his gaze and looking in Castiel’s eyes. Sometimes the angle was awkward, and not good in social situations, but he was helpful. He was like a guardian angel to them.

“Okay it’s… okay. Just tell us why you came here.”

Castiel was able to relax his face and almost raise a tiny smile. He loved being helpful.

“Well I just came here to say that this town is very supernatural,” he crooked his head and avoided Dean and Sam’s eye contact. The brothers frowned gently and Dean folded his arms around his chest.

“What does that mean?”

“This town has witches, vampires, werewolves. All different from the ones you have dealt with.” Castiel felt a sudden tingle in his abdomen. He frowned yet again. Someone was praying for him; but who? He couldn’t quite figure that out.

“What?” Dean and Sam almost said in sync.

Castiel directed his eyes back to the brothers and took a step back.

“Cas!” Dean said catching his attention. Castiel looked at him and weighed should he go where he is summoned or should he stay and help them.

“I’m sorry Dean, but all I know is that you need to seek for a Bennett. Seek for a Bennett.”

His heavy words were left hanging in the air as he angel wooshed away from Mystic Falls. Dean looked at Sam and they changed a meaningful look. Dean cleared his voice and slowly moved his gaze to his black 1967 Chevrolet Impala.

The town square was calm and the night was starting to set. Dean looked back at his little brother with his brows raised from their arches.

“What do you think Sammy? Motel or the Salvatore Boarding house?”

Sam pursed his lips gently together wondering. Sam had the same edgy feeling about this town as Dean did. Castiel just confirmed them; he would need to do a lot of research.

“I don’t trust that Damon guy. He seems he has an agenda and I need to do some research. Because if these vampires, are different than we know, we need to prepare ourselves,” Sam said and looked at the sunset. The final rays of sun peaked over the church. “And we need to find a Bennett, whatever that means.” 

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