Baby Shower

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Mercedes: POV

I dressed in my special dress and twirled in my mirror. I looked pretty as a picture. I smiled and blew kisses to myself because today was a good day. My hair was straight with a slight curl at the ends, my makeup was on point and my dress fit right.

It had a square neckline with tiny rosebuds dotting it with an empire waist. It fell to mid thigh and when I twirled, it spun out. It was a light lavender color and matched my tiara nicely.

"You would be admiring your reflection."

I jumped and turned towards the door. "Marcy! You scared me!"

"You scare me." She raised a brow.

"Shut up. I do not."

"When you have one of your mood-swings, I run for cover."

"I do not have mood-swings!"

"You're having one now. I'll see you later."

"Marcy!" I whined.

"Girl, come on here. Your ride has arrived."

"My ride? I thought I was riding with you?"

"Nope. Momma sent a limo."

I clapped happily. "I love limos!"

"Come on, your highness. Your carriage awaits."

I picked up a jacket and grabbed my purse before leaving my closet and room. I followed Marcy downstairs and went to the front door. Like she said, a limo was outside.

I was so excited. "Come with me!"

"That's just for you three. I'll take my car, Princess."

I pouted. "Please."

"Nope." She tapped my nose before leaving.

That sucked. That usually worked. I shrugged and locked up the house before going to the limo. The driver was waiting and opened the door for me. "Miss."

"Thank you." I smiled at him as he shut the door.

He tapped his hat before going around to get in the driver's seat. He turned the car on. "Is this station pleasing to you, Miss?"

I gasped as I heard Grandmom's voice. "Yes! Thank you!"

He nodded and drove off.

I sang along to my grandmother's songs until he pulled up to a yellow house. He exited the car and went to ring the doorbell.

Annie opened the door with a stunned expression. I waved to her through the window. They walked down the walkway and he opened the door for her. "Wow! We have a limo!"

"I know. Momma said she wanted this to be a fairytale." I hugged her and rubbed my nose against her cheek.

She kissed me and hugged me back. "This is insane. I've never been in a limo before."

"They're amazing."

The driver drove to Noah's and got out to ring the doorbell. When Noah opened the door, we giggled at his shocked face. We waved to him.

They came to the car and Noah looked a little freaked out for someone to open a door for him. "Thanks, dude."

"Sir." The driver bowed before shutting the door.

"Hi, Noah!" Annie leaned against him.

He kissed her. "Sup, Kick. How you feeling, Mama?"

"I'm fine, Noah." I wouldn't mention how awful my vomit had been this morning.

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