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There are only two more weeks left until the Christmas break will start. Lina seems to be getting a little weaker with every passing day. A feeling of unease is accompanying Ace for the biggest part of the day. It is not just Ace who is feeling this dread in the pit of his stomach. Reina and Jake are fighting less often, and Kiri and Shane are zoning out a lot more during classes than they ever did before. All their teachers are aware of the circumstances and are doing their best to support the five, nothing seems to lighten their worries even a little. There are only two more weeks left until the Christmas break will start. Snow is starting to fall more and more often since the day Lina became completely unable to leave the hospital. The day crawls by like it seems to be doing a lot lately. When the last bell finally rings Ace takes his things and leaves the school in silence. Shane, Kiri, Reina and Jake decided they would accompany the brunet on his visit.

Lina was awake but she looked so frail. It only has been a month since she started her fulltime stay in the hospital, yet her skin had already become sickly pale. Lina had her long black hair tied up in a high bun, but the lack of it's natural shine was still clear. Ace carefully embraced Lina. With a weak smile she returned that embrace. 'How do you feel?' Ace asks. 'A little weaker.' Lina says. Ace sits down next to Lina who rests her head on his shoulder. The two blondes and red heads just took their usual seats. Seeing how Lina quickly gets weaker scares them. Not even six months earlier she was running around with them on the beach and now she could barely sit up. 'Guys why the grave silence?' Lina asks. 'We just don't really know how to deal with all this.' Jake says slightly hesitating. 'Look, I may be getting weaker every day, but I am still the same old Lina.' Lina says. the serious and grave atmosphere slowly started to melt away when they started to talk. It was clear Lina was less enthusiastic than she usually would be. Just when Ace, Shane, Jake, Kiri and Reina wanted to leave Lina's doctor came in. 'Lina, they found a way to help you.' He says smiling. 'Really!' Lina says hopeful. 'It is a risky operation and the success rate is still very low.' He says. 'I take it I will have to discuss things with my parents then.' Lina says. Her doctor nods. 'Yes you will, but if it is successful you can be cured.' He says. 'They will visit me tonight so may I ask you to prepare the necessary materials?' the sick girl asks. 'Already took care of it.' her doctor says. After a short wave, her friends left Lina and her doctor alone to discuss some off the details.

Lina's parents just sat down next to their daughters' bed when Lina drops the bomb on them. 'There is a chance I can be cured. It is a risky operation and the success rate is low, but I can be cured.' Lina says. Her parents are taken aback. For the first time in a month the sparkle returned in their daughter's eyes. She finally regained her will to fight. 'We will need more details.' Her father says. 'My doctor already gathered as much information as he could.' Lina hands her father a small map filled with documents. 'Will you be able to hold on for another week and a half?' her father asks clearly worried. 'I will, even if I have to keep it up for another month I will.' Lina says determined. 'Her father lets out a small laugh. 'That is my little princess.' he says. The sick girl rolls her eyes but laughs too. 'The Kitayama company will invest in the further research and advancement of this cure. Other people can be helped with this too.' Her father says. As if to show how determined he is her dad immediately takes out his phone and starts making a lot of phone calls. Lina feels herself getting tired. 'I will be taking a nap.' She says. 'Rest up.' her mom says caressing her daughter's head. Lina smiles and drifts of into a deep dreamless sleep.

One week has passed by and in half a week Lina will be getting operated and hopefully she will fully recover. Today she will be video chatting with her class during their homeroom class. Lina hasn't seen any of her classmates apart from her own group. A feeling of unease creeps up in the pit of her stomach. She looks quite a bit worse than a month ago, what would her classmates say?

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