summer break

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The last few weeks of the school year flew by and summer break is almost there. 'I am not the only one that is proceeding to the next year, right?' Kiri asks. 'What do you take us for?' Ace asks pointing to him and Lina. The blonde girl chuckles at his remark. 'Did you even have to ask?' Shane says with a playful grin. 'I am more worried about these two.' Lina says with a glance at the two red heads of the group. 'We may not be the most devoted students, but we can get by.' Reina says. 'I hate to agree but she is right.' Jake says. 'What did you say?' 'want to go?' the two blondes share a glance and let out an exasperated sigh. 'That is enough out of you!' they say hitting the bickering duo on the back of their heads. 'Ouch.' Jake groans. 'So mean.' Reina whines holding the spot she got hit at. 'Soooo my parents got stuck at work during the break and have to make a few business trips too, I got their permission to let you guys come over.' Lina says with sparkling blue eyes. 'You say that, but you actually planned something didn't you?' her brown-haired boyfriend says. 'I may, may not have gotten permission to stay at our summer house in France for the entire break.' The black-haired girl says smiling. 'You have to be kidding.' Kiri says. 'I am deadly serious.' Lina says. 'So it will be just the six of us?' Reina asks. Lina shakes her head. 'Two maids will accompany us for cooking, laundry and to take care of everything else around or stay.' The black-haired girl explains. 'Has this to do with your limited time?' Shane asks. A sad smile appears on Lina's face. 'In a way, we never know when I will be hospitalized or worse. My parents want me to spend a summer having fun before my time runs out. On that note, let's make it the best summer ever.' A determined look appears in her eyes. 'We were in the moment you said we can come over.' Jake says smiling. 'If not, France did the trick.' Reina backs him up. 'First, we have to close this year with the rest of the class, after that we can start planning.' Shane interrupts. 'Good point.' Lina says chuckling. Her friends join her and enter their classroom for the last time.

'Be careful and look after each other.' Lina's mother says. Shane, Ace, Lina, Jake, Reina and Kiri nod at her. 'Just to be safe, on this paper I wrote the address and phone number of an old acquaintance of mine. He owns a clinic close to the summer house and is up to date on Lina's condition. If you were to need a doctor for anything, go there.' Lina's father says. 'There is no need to worry that much. We will be fine and come back without anything happening at all.' Lina says determined. Her father nods and hugs his little girl close to him once more. 'Look after her, Ace.' He says. 'Always sir.' the boy responds with a serious expression. 'Geez, I am right here.' The black-haired girl pouts. 'Have fun and make some nice shots.' Her father says. Lina smiles and then enters the private jet her father has lend them for their trip. When the jet has taken of the group of friends starts playing some games. Lina takes out her camera and makes pictures of Jake and Reina their focused faces when they don't know what card to play. Kiri's triumphant smile and cheer gets caught on photo too. When they approach France Lina takes a picture of the scenery from the town through the window. When they leave the jet they head towards the entrance of the airport, excited for their trip. 'The master has made sure a car will be here to pick us up.' Clara says. No sooner than when they walk outside a car stops in front of the small group. Clara and the other maid put the luggage in the trunk of the car While the six friends get into the small limousine that came to pick them up. The drive towards the summer house from the Kitayama family takes around 30 minutes. Lina takes her chance and makes beautiful pictures of the landscape around them through the window. Ace can feel that some of the tension Lina always builds up in her shoulders slowly disappears. He smiles fondly while he looks over Lina's shoulder at the pictures she made. Lina also made some pictures of herself and her friends in the limo. An even bigger smile creeps on the black-haired girls face when she recognizes her family's vacation house. It was a white summer villa with light blue accents. Once the car stops Lina practically jumps out of the car. Old summer memories come rushing back and she starts making pictures of the house and the garden. Ace shakes his head and take his and Lina's bags. 'We all know how our photographer gets when she is serious so I will show you around.' The brown-haired boy says. The rest of the group laughs and follows him into the villa. When they get inside the first thing that catches their attention is the huge amount of light that filters inside through the huge glass sliding door. They give a good view of the well-maintained garden and You can even see a part of the beach. Two white couches are placed around a small coffee table with two similar white chairs across one off them. The other couch is facing one of the walls with a huge tv on it. The kitchen is connected to the living room. A cozy table that can hold six persons is placed near the window making good use off the light. In the middle there is a cooking Isle with six bar stools around it. The kitchen itself has a modern design and has a white theme just like the living room but with some black details in it. Ace shows them where the indoor pool and game room are. After that, the brunet shows his friends to the rooms they will be staying at. Kiri and Reina their rooms will be at the left side of the room that Ace and Lina will be sharing while the rooms that Jake and Shane will use are on the right side. Kiri and Shane are in the rooms right next to Lina and Ace their room. Every bedroom has a huge walk in closet and its own bathroom. Everyone heads to their rooms to unpack before their real break can start. Ace just put down the two bags he was carrying when Lina comes in. 'Sorry for leaving all this to you.' She says with a guilty smile. 'No need to worry, I have been here a few times before anyway.' Ace answers. Lina kisses his cheek and starts helping her fiancé unpack.

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