alternative future

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Several years have passed by. The six friends just graduated from college and are celebrating their accomplishments in a nearby café. 'Congrats to our two company heirs to graduating from the hardest business course in the country!' Jake cheers. 'And to our heiress for also completing her studies in photography next to her business studies.' Reina ads. 'You didn't do half bad yourself, graduating at the top of the police academy.' Kiri says looking at Reina. 'Like you can talk, little miss top designer.' Jake snickers. 'Shut up you.' Kiri fires back. 'I keep forgetting Kiri has gotten a sharper tongue. Lina grins. 'Jake you yourself can't say much either. You are a rising star right now.' Shane says. 'You are not doing too shabby either. You are already hired at Lina's old hospital.' Ace says. 'I even heard from a little bird you are helping improve the cure for my disease even further.' Lina says smiling. 'Your doctor told you I am his assistant, hasn't he?' Shane asks. 'You got me.' Lina says smiling. 'We really kept our word, for the past five years we have been meeting up every month, no matter how hectic things were sometimes.' Jake says. 'I can't believe how often I looked at the pictures in the scrapbook over the years.' Kiri laughs. 'Me too, it was like a lucky charm.' Reina laughs. 'There is one thing I haven't heard about tough. Lina when did that sparkling diamond appear on your finger?' Kiri asks with a devilish smile. 'Two weeks ago.' Lina answers blushing. 'Spill the tea you two.' Jake says. 'We were done with our classes for the day, so I took Lina on a walk. I asked her to officially marry me under the setting sun.' Ace answers blushing. 'You two have been the cutest ever since high school.' Reina laughs. 'We have been engaged for a very long time, but it never was really our promise. I thought it was finally time to change that.' Ace says. Lina blushes even more. 'How much I want to tease you guys right now, it is unbearable.' Reina says. 'You are evil.' Lina says. The red-haired girl just smiles, not impressed at all. The young adults are spending their entire afternoon chatting and laughing in the café that has become their usual spot in the past years. 'Let's head to France again, we just completed our studies so a small break should be possible. At least somewhere soon.' Lina suddenly says. 'I will see when I will have to report for duty.' Reina says. All the others agree that they will check their schedules and let each other know what their plans are. Three weeks later they all got a chance to take a week off and so they relived the summer of their second year of high school. Shane even burned some marshmallows again.

A year passed by and today is Lina and Ace their big day. Lina nervously fiddles with her nails. 'Calm down, everything will be fine.' Kiri says placing a hand on Lina's shoulder. Lina smiles. 'Yeah, I am just so excited and nervous at the same time.' She smiles. 'We have been waiting for this since high school and helped you and Ace prepare for the past nine months or so.' Reina joins their conversation. 'Okay I got it.' Lina laughs. The black-haired woman looks at herself in the mirror once again. Her white dress reaches a little above the floor, two loose sleeves run from her shoulders until her elbows. Light blue thread forms small flowers all over her dress. Lina's long black hair has been tied up in an elegant bun with two braids wrapped around it. A white and blue hairpin at the side of her head makes for a majestic appearance. A simple bouquet of light blue and white flowers is waiting to be picked up. 'Lina, it is time.' Her father says. Lina takes a deep breath and smiles. Her friends smile and leave to join the other attendees. Lina takes the bouquet and then hooks her arm into her dad's. 'You look beautiful, you fought hard to come here what only makes it more special. I am proud of you. Make it a day you will never forget.' He says. 'Dad.' Lina says touched. She smiles and then they leave the room side by side. Lina can't help but smile when she sees Ace. He wears a white suit with a few golden accents. It really looks good on him. When they reach Ace her father places Lina's hand on Ace's and takes his seat next to Lina's mother.

The ceremony went smooth. The lovely couple exchanged their rings and said their vows. After the ceremony everyone went to the party venue that was hired for the after party. After all the greetings and congratulations the newly wed couple met up with their beloved friends. They chatted for a while until dinner was served. Some people gave some speeches about how the two fitted perfectly and jokes were made. Jake's speech was surprisingly touching, something none of them ever expected. 'Even in high school Ace would call Lina princess. The one was never far from the other and they were two peas in a pot. These two were always up for some mischief with the rest of us. I don't know a better couple than these two. Keep it up, you made it this far already. Not a single battle will be too much for you two. Congrats, and live a happy live together.' He says. Applause filled the room and Lina had to wipe a few tears. 'You idiot, why do you have t be this soft all of a sudden.' Lina says touched. 'You two deserve it.' Is all Jake says. Halfway through the evening Shane steals the couple to ask them something. The two share a bright smile. 'Go for it.' Ace says. 'This night will be even more special that way.' Lina answers smiling. Shane nods and the three walk back into the hall. Ace walks up to the DJ and whispers something to him. The DJ nods and a soft romantic song starts to play a while later. Everyone starts dancing again. When Lina and Ace pass Shane and Kiri, Ace nods and Lina sends Shane a wink. Shane nods back and suddenly takes Kiri's hand in one hand while he takes a small box out of one of his pockets. He drops to one knee and opens the box. 'We have been friends since middle school, stuck together through high school and started going out in college. You are my everything and I want to see you before I go to sleep and right after I wake up. Kiri Minato, will you marry me?' Shane asks. Kiri gasps and a single tear rolls down while she answers with a soft yes. The now engaged couple shares a loving kiss before their friends wrap them in a hug. 'Shane asked us or it was okay to do this on our wedding night.' Ace says smiling. 'It was a great way to make it even more special.' Lina laughs. Kiri laughs too. 'It really has become an unforgettable night.' Kiri says. They all party even more until everyone heads home in the dead of the night, exhausted from everything, but very happy.

Ten years have passed ever since Lina and Ace got married. Shane and Kiri married two years later, followed by Jake and Reina half an year later. Reina has become a squad leader and is one of the best agents in the city. Jake has been getting more fame with his acting but is still the same as he has always been. Shane has been a big asset to the improvement of the cure for Lina her old disease. Kiri took over her mother's brand after she decided it was time for Kiri to take over. Lina found out her heart and soul were laying by photography. Her father understood and respected her wishes. Now Lina is one of the best and most wanted photographers in the country. Ace combined the two companies and is running them smoothly with help from both his own father and his father in law. Ace and Lina have a daughter of five called Yuki, Lina was worried her daughter may have inherited her disease. Luckily, that wasn't the case. Shane and Kiri have twins, their daughter is called Kayla and their son is called Kyle. Reina is currently in her last month of her pregnancy and she and Jake are expecting a son. Even now the six are still close friends and they are planning to let their children grow up together. The future seems bright for all of them. A reassuring thing after all the struggles the group faced in high school. 

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