0. prologue

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prologue - weeping willow


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-"Draco slow down!" I shout as he continues to drag me through the garden outside of the manor. My cheeks were pink with the new summer heat and the fact that we had just ran all the way from the kitchen to the end of the garden. Draco stoped suddenly in front of a tall willow tree.

"What should be looking at here?" I question the boy next to me as he gazes at the tree.

He steps forward and moves his hand in between two branches and pulls apart the draping branches of the tree, he jesters with his other hand toward the black tunnel in the middle of the branches he had pulled apart. "Lady's first." he smiles.

"Draco Malfoy, you haven't taken me all the way out here to murder me have you?"

"Of course not, I'm no murderer."

"Hm that sounds like something a murderer would say." I shoot back at him.

"Just go, it's a surprise." he jesters towards the tree again.

"Okay Draco Malfoy, I'll trust you just this once, even though we both know I hate surprises." I continue forward into the tree, it was dark but the sun created streaks of light that shown in between the branches. I look down to see I'm stepping on mismatched, broken tile pieces that Draco had no doubt put down in an attempt to make a pathway so we wouldn't have to walk through the dirt. As I make my way to the end of the small path, I pull apart the branches of the other side of the willow tree and step through to see a large patch of overgrown grass, flowers and weeds scattered across it. The small field is surrounded by a circle of trees. The trees have small fairy lights dangling off of them, I could only imagine how beautiful it would look at night. "Draco what is this?"

"I found it once I came home, I laid some tiles down and thought maybe this could be our hang our spot for this summer." his grey eyes dart in all directions trying to ignore the blush creeping up his neck. We had always tried to find different 'hang out spots.' These were simply places our parents could not bother us in.

"Draco, it's so beautiful," I smile up at him in attempt to calm his nerves. "We've only been on break for five days and you managed to do all this? Who knew you were such a handyman." I teased him as he simply nodded at my question. He lead me out the the middle of the field and took of his jacket, laying it down for me to sit on, "a gentleman as well. Thank you." I joke while sitting down. We laid in the tall grass in a comfortable silence under the white clouds until Draco decided to break the silence. 

"Merlin I hate this place," He huffs, I look over at him with a confused look on my face. "The manor I mean, I'd rather stay full time at Hogwarts than here."

"Are you serious? Look around at this place, it's gorgeous, your house is beautiful."

"Well you don't live here."

"I practically do. I love your house. The dark colors, the natural light."

"It's like a prison." I sit up to look at him after this, "and i'm not talking about the architecture."

"Draco, is something wrong?" I question, he's acting so negative and unlike himself.

He was always doing such kind things for me as if he thought I'd leave him if he didn't. I'd always try to remind him that I'd always be there for him, we were inseparable. We have been since our first time meeting. We were around six years old when his parents invited my parents and I to the manor for a holiday party. Draco and I immediately became best friends. We went shopping for school together, we were sorted into Slytherin together, we were on the same quidditch team, we went to the yule ball together, we spent every summer holiday together and attended endless dinner parties side by side.

"I'm fine." he states after a long pause, "just looks like this summer won't be as fun as the past."

And so, little to my knowledge, the boy was right. This summer would change everything.

thanks for reading🖤 first chapter soon !!!

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thanks for reading🖤
first chapter soon !!!

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