"Unfinished Business" • Reverse!Falls x Gravity Falls

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Author's Note:
This section will heavily reference the fan made alternate universe known as Reverse Falls, where the roles of antagonists and protagonists are switched; Gideon becomes the male protagonist, and Pacifica the female protagonist, while Dipper and Mabel become the Antagonists. For more information on Reverse Falls, feel free to explore the internet! Just search "reverse falls" :)

The image included is a general idea of what the rev!twins look like. Please let me know if you know who to credit for the artwork; it doesn't belong to me!

For further context, this is an alternate take on the episode "Sock Opera" from season two!


"Ahahahaha!" Bill cackled, having just finished slamming Dipper's– now Bill's– arm into a drawer over and over again. "Hey, this is fun!"

"Quit it!" Dipper demanded. He was too enraged in that moment to notice, but not having a physical form had a certain weightlessness to it. He didn't have to trudge around in a heavy, yet scrawny, body. He didn't have the tired feeling of dragging his feet through an exhausted sludge, delirious from a lack of sleep. But having enough energy by default now allowed him to feel another emotion to its full extent: rage.

"Give me my body back!" Dipper yelled. "This wasn't the deal!"

"Sorry, kid, but I don't play by the rules!" Out of curiosity, Bill punched Dipper's body in the face. "How exhilarating!" he commented. A red mark laced with purple was starting to become very visible where his fist was. Dipper instinctively winced upon seeing the mark, anticipating the pain later. But Bill's– Bipper's?– face only lit up more.

"Say," Bipper continued, "I've got an idea! I can go terrorize Dipper Gleeful!"

"Dipper what?!" Dipper's voice was so upturned that it almost cracked.

"Don't worry about it, kid. I have some unfinished business. Just gonna pay a visit to a parallel universe. It'll only be half a second to you. I'll be back to deal with you after I teach someone a lesson!" There was a sneer in Bipper's voice before a flash of light filled the room, and Dipper's spirit was left alone in the room.

"Oh no..." he muttered to himself.


Dipper Gleeful-Northwest stared at a page in his journal with a laser sharp focus. He put the journal down on his desk and adjusted the cuffs of the black button down he wore beneath his baby blue vest.

"Doesn't say anything about aggravated demons," he scoffed to himself. "Looks like I won't have to pay him back after all." Not a moment later, a flash of light behind him shone so blindingly bright that he pressed his eyes closed so hard, they hurt.

"Argh!" He exclaimed. "What the heck was that?!" His chair groaned as he swiftly turned his head around, immediately exchanging his furrowed brows for raised ones upon seeing what made the flash.

"Hey, Dipstick!" an unfamiliar voice greeted condescendingly. "Heard you haven't been holding up your end of a deal with a certain someone!" Gleeful stood up to face his doppelgänger.

"Wait... what?" were the only words he could think to muster up. "What– who– am I looking at? Who are you?"

"The name's Bill! Bill Cipher! You've met my failure of a brother, Will, but unlike him, I don't let broken promises slide! And honestly, I don't care for picking up after his messes, but I do care about idiots like you getting tortured like you deserve! And I figured 'hey, why not kill two Dippers with one stone, and teach both of them a lesson about making deals!' So I hopped in Pine Tree's body to show his alternate universe self that, unlike Will, I don't take deals lightly." Bipper's voice dropped to a demonic tone as he spoke the last word. Pine Tree, Gleeful thought. Isn't that what Will calls Gideon?

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