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"Hey, who do you think you are, spying on us like this?!"

This must have been fate, there was no other option- to meet Wangnan Jah, a guy who not only resembled the King in every way, but also possessed one of the keys; and to think that he had been travelling with the one person you've been searching all along, the one who made you drift away from your original goal- Bam.

"I'm terribly sorry, but there's someone in your team I need to talk to- if it really bothers you that much, I'll simply go away once I have done that."

You watched him stutter, his gaze looking at everywhere else but you as he caught a glimpse of your eyes; you weren't that surprised, ever since you had been old enough to understand human speech, you've been told numerous times of just how much they brought fear to mortals like him- when you were serious, you were told they looked like the most powerful of storms, blue like the depths of the sea.

"And who might you be?"

It almost reminded you of a minor deity, the presence behind you; you were sure it must have been someone from FUG, perhaps the person who had been training your dear friend during these past seven years- one things was certain, he wasn't here to just chat with you.

"I'm sure you know my name by now FUG- was it Hansung that told you about me mayhaps?"

You didn't have time to hear the answer, an explosion of shinsu coming towards you as you tried your best to avoid it- so fighting it was.
You summoned your spear, the golden tip surrounded by a layer of shinsu; while you hadn't mastered the art of manipulating this power, it was still water, the element that had been assigned to you since the moment you were born.

You considered yourself lucky that he only used long range attacks, making it easy for you to simply dodge them as you prepared yourself for your own move- it took a lot of stamina out of you, but that hardly mattered when it was so effective.

It's ready! Oh, you were gonna have so much fun beating this guy!

The tip of your spear changed, a soft hue of blue around it as you brought your weapon at ear level- it only took a couple of steps before you threw it, the strength behind it knocking out everything around you.

"That wasn't bad for a kid like you." You could feel yourself pale, as you realized a blade was pointed at your neck; how could he move that fast? "I'm just wondering where you learned that technique- it is rather ancient, you see."

Had he found out about your secret? You had done your best not to make it so obvious, but alas, you knew you were bound to meet someone who knew about your father's side of the family.

"Why don't we talk a little?"



It could have gone worse, you decided.

Sure, your secret had been revealed to not one, but two people (you had to blame those guide powers of Hwaryun's), but at least the man, who you had learned was called Jinsung Ha, hadn't killed you.

'You could be useful to FUG' he had said, after you had been forced to share your heritage with them.
You weren't exactly fond of that, but if it meant they would leave you alone for the time being then you'd let them think what they wanted- you weren't going to follow their orders anyway, so it was better this way.

"What I won't let you do though, is climb with Viole. If the Elders were to know that one of his friends found out about his location, they'd have to eliminate every single one of you."


You tried to contain your rage, you really did, but you couldn't help the urge to take out your spear, the blade pointed at his neck this time- you had searched for him far and wide, even when everyone had told you to let it go, so you refused to abandon him again, not when you were so close to see him.

"(Y/n)-san, is that you?"

Just as fast as you unsheathed your spear, you turned around, your eyes frantically looking for the boy you had longed to see ever since you left the Floor of Tests.

You didn't waste any more time when you saw him, leaping at him as you threw your arms around his shoulders; you were a fool to care so much about some mere humans, and you knew it, but as you felt him embrace you just as tight, you paid no mind to that- you were going to help him get back with your friends, even if it meant putting aside your original goal for a while.

You doubted Poseidon would mind waiting a couple more years anyway.

"So you were alive after all huh, Bam? I'm so glad."

"...me too (Y/n)-san."

You just smiled softly, gently petting his head as you ignored the feeling of the tears dampening your shoulders- gods knew what FUG had made that boy do.

"Shh... it's okay Bam, I'm not leaving you from now on."

And you were ready to fight everyone who dared to say otherwise.


me 🤝 not being able to end a chapter decently

anyways I hope that "fight scene" was okay cause omg I'm so nervous it might not be as well-written as I hoped WSOWHSU

idk what to say other than that so  see ya next update oof

tsunami || the 25th bam x reader (HIATUS!)Where stories live. Discover now