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To be fair, you had hoped Jinsung wouldn't be so strict.

Even though he had caved in and let you stay with Bam, he had taken the time to threaten you (when your dear friend wasn't looking) to kill all of your friends and leak the information about your heritage if you ever thought of ratting out about the slayer nominee being alive.
It's not like you hadn't expected that, but that didn't mean the situation sucked any less.

"(Y/n)-san, why did you leave everyone for me?"

Right, Bam.

You still couldn't believe that the oh-so cheerful friend of yours had become so glum; it was to be expected, after years of being forced into becoming FUG's weapon, but it still made your heart ache- as soon as he had told you about that and Rachel's betrayal you had promised yourself you'd bring him to the top with you, even if it meant facing your family's wrath (okay, maybe not to that extreme...).

He had suffered so much already and you were only 28 floors into the Tower- it was unfair, you had mused, but then again, the gods never liked justice, unless it benefitted them.

"I had a feeling you were still alive, so I wanted to confirm that- besides, the more I get to explore this place the better!"

Right, a feeling- it was not like you had asked (more like bugged) your divine uncle Hades, the God of the Underworld, to check if he was dead or not; but that was something no one needed to know of course.

"But now you're stuck with us... not that I mind that!" You giggled slightly as you watched him blush a little, his arms flailing around frantically as he tried to explain himself- he really was cute for a mortal.

"Don't worry about that Bam, I knew something along the lines must have happened if you were so adamant on avoiding your friends- I think it was time we did something in return."

He gulped, as the grip of his fists tightened on his pants- did he really deserve all that? After Rachel's betrayal, he had felt like the world had ended; and who would ever blame him? He had lost his star, for some reason he still didn't understand, and now he couldn't even be with most of his friends.
Could he really put that much trust on someone else again?
Of course, he trusted Khun, Rak and all his friends, but they never compared to the blonde girl; and especially you, (Y/n) (L/n), could he really trust you that much?
You had been so mysterious the whole time at the Floor of Tests, and yet so supportive of him, helping him mastering shinsu while you still took your spear bearer classes.

No, he couldn't think like that- not after you had searched for him for so long.

"...Thank you."


Neither you nor Bam could ever catch a breath, huh?
You hadn't even been on the Sweet and Sour team for two months, and trouble had already found you two.

You ignored the fatigue taking a toll on you, your mind set to reach the Hand of Arlene as fast as possible- why is it that he still didn't want to tell you anything?  Why is it that he was so nice that he didn't want to burder you, when he was supposed to be FUG's newest God?
Gods were merciless, egoistic and cruel; you'd know that more than anyone else here, after being forced to follow their orders for who knows how many years- that's why you had declined your father's offer, when he had claimed he wanted you to become the new ruler of this Tower.
You weren't suited to be one, not when you'd have to let go of your friends.

Right, friends.

Would they call you that when they would find out about your descendants?
Demigods were feared and hated, deemed as a tool of destruction used by some superior existence; you were just scum, someone who didn't belong here.
But as long as you kept silent, you were just another regular,an extremely powerful one at that, and you were content with that- especially if it meant you could keep climbing the Tower, facing new foes and discovering new places with the people you held dear.

And so you decided to pay no mind to the promise made to Bam's master, your hands reaching for your pocket as you texted the one person you trusted the most in this place.

To: A.A.

He's alive. Hand of Arlene.


You were too late.

You watched in horror as Bam was forced to run away with some strangers, his eyes locked onto Khun's as he screamed at him to look out- so FUG had decided to step up their game?

You weren't going to let them.

You muttered under your breath a protection spell for your blue haired friend, shinsu surrounding him as you aimed your spear at the rabbit-looking girl.

"(Y/n)-san, get back!"

Before you could even throw your weapon, you had found yourself falling, the air knocked out of your lungs as you realized that yes, you had been hit by the bomb; was this really the end of the line, right when you had found him, when you had been able to see those captivating eyes again?

You gathered as much strength as you needed to shout, determination flowing through your veins as you pointed a finger at the Irregular boy.

"I'll find you again, even if it takes seven or more years!"

His eyes, while full of desperation, glowed a little, giving you the same hopeful glance as before all this mess had taken place; he finally trusted you, you realized, and you were not going to let him down.

But first, you could use a couple of hours of rest.


khun is finally here hehe :)

also the story is finally moving and following the arcs so get ready for some y/n, rak and khun bff moments hell yeah
(I can't wait for the whole team to be back together IQBS8WBDI)

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