Chapter Twenty-Nine

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~~Beneath the Surface~~

"I find it weird that they all call you Lia," Xavier mentioned turning down a road in his car. Music softly playing from his radio as the sky was starting to get darker after sunset.

Aaliyah and Xavier had spent the rest of their time at the church singing praise songs. Well, Aaliyah had with the rest of the choir, learning the lyrics as she went along whilst Xavier watched from the front row with a vague look of interest that would turn into a wide grin whenever Aaliyah would meet his gaze from the stage.

Aaliyah cocked a brow. "But you call me Lia," She started, "And if we're being honest. I'm the one that should find it weird. You have an entirely different name."

Xavier laughed and shook his head. "I call you Lia, but I'm not one of many in our personal lives that do call you Lia. I'm pretty sure it's just Jenny and I that call you that," He said, ignoring her latter comment. Aaliyah decided that she wouldn't push further on the topic of his name. When he was ready he would open up to her, "It's strange hearing people I know personally call you that. I don't feel different if you get me." He continued, not looking at her, but at the road.

Aaliyah stared at him with wide eyes. She thought maybe she kind of did understand what he meant by different. He meant significant. Aaliyah didn't think that he cared enough to be significant in her life. It was weird. "Maybe," She answered in a slow voice, "Where are we going now?" She said quickly changing the subject as he turned down another street, which was much more rundown than most parts of Manhattan she was used to seeing. Graffiti was spray-painted across local stores and businesses and trash was littered across the street. Loud music blared from one of the old apartment buildings on the street and some teenagers on the street were dancing along to it as they walked by. The people were in more casual clothes than the usual business and designer outfits she was used to seeing a lot in Buchanan or on Park Avenue. This place felt more like a community like the small neighborhood back in San Diego where Mr. Gonzalez's music store was. People were friendly with each other like they all knew each other. Aaliyah appreciated that. She hasn't seen so much closeness like this in a while.

Xavier was quiet for a moment. The awkwardness in his expression starting to grate on her nerves as he scratched the back of his neck, parking along the street outside a brownstone apartment. "My mother's."

Aaliyah watched as Xavier stepped out of the car in an utter stupor. She was stunned quiet for a short moment before she exploded.

"Dude, you can't seriously be taking me to your mother's house?" Aaliyah exclaimed closing the car door as she looked over at Xavier who was climbing out of his car. She looked ahead of him and stared up at the red terraced apartment building, with red terracotta steps leading up to the wooden double doors and iron-wrought balconies protruding from each window on the second floor. Aaliyah was a little short of intimidated and confused as to why Xavier thought it would make sense to bring her here, "I haven't even met Jacks' parents yet."

          "My mom made me food to take home, and she wanted me to pick them up today. And I rarely say no to my mother." He said letting out a breath before looking to Aaliyah with a cocked brow. "And Jacks doesn't have parents," He said turning away towards the sidewalk and up the steps.

          Aaliyah remembered Blair's warehouse party. She had been stoned that night, so bits and pieces of that night had been a little blurred, but she did remember Zenith dropping that bomb on her just now. Since that night, Aaliyah hadn't much of an opportunity to bring it up to Jacks yet, considering she hadn't really been speaking since that night. She suddenly felt like she really shouldn't be here right now, her stomach stirring with guilt.

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