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Mr. Tux was half way through the portal when he said, "Once we go through this portal, you should get your quirk, If it's anything like your mother's then you shouldn't feel too overwhelmed."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see~"

I stepped through the portal after Mr. Tux, as soon as I fully got through the portal I felt an immense amount of pressure. My knees got weak, my head was throbbing, and my ears were ringing. I saw Mr. Tux saying something as he caught me. His face was filled with worry. Then it all faded to black.

~×Mr. Tux POV×~

I was waiting by the door of the small concrete room waiting for Ms. Tsukuchi to come out of the portal. Once she was in the room I smiled at her, but soon noticed her legs were shaking.

"Ms. Tsukuchi?"

She started to fall, so I quickly ran over to her yelling, "(Y/n)! Shit." I picked her up bridal style and rested her head on my shoulder. I carried her through the door and went to the nearest room with a bed. I laid her down on the old and worn out bed. I pulled up a chair, not wanting to leave her alone in an abandoned building.

I sat with her for about 30 minutes until she finally woke up. "Huh, where am I?" She asked confused. "You scared me half to death! Do you know what your grandma would have said if I came back with a passed out kid?! Are you feeling alright?"

She just blankly stared at me for a few seconds before she finally spoke up, "I-I'm fine I just have a headache." I sighed in relief if anything had happened to this girl I would be dead. "Oh jeez, okay at least you're okay. We'll get you some pain killers on the way. Can you walk?"

She stood up and took a few shaky steps forward. "I-I thinks so," she spoke. 'I bet she still isn't used to it yet.'

"Alright, you can use my arm for support. Your grandma is about a fifteen minute walk from here."

She nodded and linked arms with me. I led her out of the building and into an alley way. Once we reached the crowded sidewalk I could feel her tapping my arm. I looked down at her and she started to speak, "Is it always this crowded?"

I chuckled slightly and spoke, "Yup! Sometimes it's even busier." Once there was enough space for us to squeeze in we started walking to her grandma's house.

~×(Y/n) POV×~

We were walking through the crowd, me holding onto his arm for support. Only now did I realize that everyone including myself, looked like they were from an anime. "Woah." Mr. Tux chuckled, "Just now noticing the appearance change?" After that there was a comfortable silence. I decided to break it with a question, "Do you know where I will be going to school?"

Mr. Tux turned to me and smiled, "Yup! Your grandma enrolled you into Aldera Junior high." I nodded and continued to walk to my grandma's house. Mr. Tux looked like he had just remembered something. "Oh yeah, by the way the maps on your phone should have changed."

"Okay Mr. Tux." He chuckled slightly at the nickname. "What's so funny," I exclaimed irritation clear in my voice. "Well you're the first to so openly give me a nickname, especially after what I did."

"It wasn't all your fault, my parents made the decision." He just looked at me with a shocked expression. Once we reached an apartment complex we stopped. "Okay (Y/n), you ready to meet your grandma? Oh also she is more comfortable with Japanese than English, seeing as how it's her first language."

"O-okay, I'm ready."

He led me to an apartment and spoke, "Should we knock?" I felt a knot form in my stomach, anxiety getting the best of me. "Y-yeah, probably," I said fiddling with my thumbs.

Mr. Tuxedo man walked up to the door and knocked on it. Immediately the door opened to a tall woman with white hair. "Ah Hakaru, you're back..." the woman hissed. As soon as she caught sight of me, her attitude did a complete one eighty.

"(Y/n), darling! Oh how I've waited to see you for so long my dear!" She wrapped me in a hug and I slowly hugged back. "G-grandma..." Tears started falling from my eyes and my grandma looked worried. "Oh honey, don't cry," she comforted, but that only made me cry more.

"Let's get you inside dear. Oh, and Hakaru, never bother my granddaughter, ever again."

"Y-yes ma'am..." My grandma led me inside and shut the door behind her, only opening it again to snatch away my bag. She sat me down on the couch and wrapped her arms around me again. "Hush now, grandmas here. You won't have to worry about him for a while." She spoke motioning towards the door. I cried into her shoulder for a while longer and took a few deep breaths.

"Alright, I can show you to your room if you want," my grandma said gently. I nodded and said, "That would be nice." She led me upstairs to a room on the left and opened the door. "I'll leave you to get settled in." With that she walked back downstairs.

I walked into the room and the walls were a nice shade of (f/c). There was a twin sized bed in the back left corner. The comforter had a cute (f/c) and white spiral design. Next to the bed a few feet away was a dark wooden desk with accents of (gold/silver). Across from it was a matching dresser. In the center of the room was a very fluffy, round, white rug. There was a nice hardwood floor too. The whole room just fit together perfectly.

I picked up my bags and took them to the dresser. I put my clothes in the drawers. Then I walked to the desk and put those books on the shelf above the desk. I put my gifts on the shelf with the books decoratively. I hid the strange snacks in one of the dresser drawers.

Sighing contentedly at my work I plopped on the bed. 'Maybe it won't be so bad here.' I sighed again closing my eyes.


This might have been a slow chapter.
I'm sorry if it was.
I really enjoy writing this story
even if the updates are slow.
I am adding a lot more detail than I did last time
and I am afraid that it might be moving too slow.
Last time the plot moved way too fast and I was trying to fix that.
Thank you for reading!

Later loves~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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