Just Another Day In Pure Heart

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It had been a day like any other in Pure Heart Valley, the birds were chirping their sweet songs, the sun cast down its warm rays. Everything was at peace in Pure Heart Valley... until it wasn't.

You could almost say that Pure Heart wouldn't be Pure Heart without the occasional monster attack. The sheriff's dept. was currently handling the latest of monster invasions in the town square.

Today, their battle was with a swarm of Jade Wasps; six inches in length with a eight inch wingspan, these green monsters have dangerous neurotoxin that's causing the team to try and stick to distance fighting, with Mao Mao currently evacuating the nearby Sweetypies from the square.

"Badgerclops!" Mao Mao shouted. "On your left!"

Badgerclops turned as one of the Jade Wasps flew in at an attempt to sting him. Adorabat intercepted the six inch wasp as Badgerclops moved back into firing distance.

"Adorabat!" Badgerclops shouted to the blue deputy, alerting her to what he was about to do.

As Adorabat placed distance between her and the wasp, Badgerclops shot the Jade Beetle into dust. After Mao Mao evacuated the last Sweetypie, he moved to join back up with the rest of the Sheriff's Dept., but found a wall of Jade Wasps blocking his way.

Frustrated, Mao Mao gripped Geraldine tightly. Fighting a singular gigantic monster was definitely a pain, but a numerous amount of smaller monsters was even worse.

"Badgerclops, you got a flamethrower in that arm of yours?" Mao Mao asked, holding Geraldine in front of him, ready to slash at any wasps that come near him.

"Yeah, because I just happen to have the tool for everything in my arm," said Badgerclops sarcastically, firing shots at Jade Wasps as they lurched toward him and Adorabat.

"You have a cannon that turned your own stink into a weapon, but you don't have a classic flamethrower," questioned Mao Mao as he slashed a wasp with Geraldine. "Or at least a can of pesticide?"

Baderclops and Adorabat moved themselves back to back, so that the wasps wouldn't catch them by surprise.

"I haven't had time to install one okay? Between fixing the Aerocycle and my chores, I just haven't had the time."

"To do what? Go to the store and buy a can of bug spray?" Mao Mao sniped at Badgerclops.

"You make it sound so easy," shouted Badgerclops. A few wasps moved forward, and in response, Badgerclops switches from his standard laser arm to a rapid fire one. One by one, Badgerclops dropped the wasps like flies.

"You only have two chores, and the Aerocycle only needs it's scheduled maintenance!" Mao Mao stated in response to Badgerclops' griping.

"Exactly." Badgerclops said back like his point was obvious.

As the wasps started to advance, Mao Mao turned around and made a dash for the lamppost fifty paces behind him; unsurprisingly, the wasps flew after him. When Mao Mao was three paces away from the lamppost, he made a lunge for it. Grabbing the street lamp by it's thin neck, he swung around it and threw himself into the air and over the small group of wasps that kept him from his friends.

As Mao Mao fell to the ground, he bent his knees in anticipation of the force from the landing. When he came down, Mao Mao tucked in and rolled along the cobblestone to soften the blow, coming to a stop next to Badgerclops and Adorabat.

"We're out numbered," whispered Mao Mao to himself. "Think Mao Mao, what do you know about wasps?"

"Mao Mao's talking to himself again." Adorabat pointed out. She pulled out one of her smoke bombs from who knows where she keeps them on her small body, readying it to use in case they needed to regroup.

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