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so Kate Howard is her name, no she isn't that old lady..... I forget where she's from.
okay and pretend in this book, they all live in the same city(Kate, 5sos, 1d) k

lukehemmo invited you to the group

iplaydrums: sooooo, is everyone out of school?
kitkate: it's Saturday
kitkate: why am I in this group?

nhguitar: ohh, who's this^^^

kitkate: sent a picture

column: wow she sent a pic... HOT!!
Bluehead: HILY SHITTT !!!!!!
iplaydrums: ^^^ u spelt it wrong, an UR HOTTTTTT.

kitkate: you kinda spelt it wrong too, and um thanks I guess.

nhguitar: WOWowowow
nhguitar: luke where are you, u would usually be commenting right away and commenting dirty stuff too where tf are you?

lukehemmo: I have nothing to say.
iplaydrums: what why!! she's hot dude.
kitkate: guys I gotta go.

kitkate has left the group.

I put my phone down and climb out of bed. Yeah I'm still in bed and it's 1:20 whoops. I go down stairs see my brother Zack and sister Callie watching.... that's so raven? haha I loved that show.

I walk towards the kitchen and see mom and dad working together to make pancakes MMM. I guess everyone woke up late. "they will be ready to eat in ten minutes, why don't you guys go change your clothes." my mom nods at Zack, Callie and I.

We all run upstairs. I go into my room and change. I grab my phone this time and run downstairs to see everyone eating. I grab a plate and pile pancakes on them.
I sit down and my phone starts to buzz, until it goes crazy. I check to see if anyone is calling me. Nope, just stupid kik notifications. I read though all the texts I miss.
kitkate has been invited by nhguitar
lukehemmo: How come u guys make convos so boring

column: we are fun, just not when ure around! :)
Bluehead: yup^^^
lukehemmo: ruddddee </3

iplaydrums: hey maybe Kate will make u feel better?
nhguitar: doubt it, he doesn't think she's hot!
colomn: impossible
Bluehead: Kim possible, Hahaha
nhguitar: yeah what's going on with u lately?

lukehemmo: nothing just leave me alone

lukehemmo left the group.

Bluehead: damn would his hair not cooperate?
iplaydrums: more like he can't be nice, meany. he sent me a private msg of his middle finger. WHAT DID I DO?!!

column: he sent me that too.
kitkate: guysss I'm eating!!
nhguitar: hey beautiful <3
kitkate: hi hunny
column: hi babe
kitkate: hi hunny
Bluehead: hi princes :)
kitkate: hi hunny
iplaydrums: hey baby girl <3
kitkate: hi

iplaydrums: no love for me??? THATS IT WERE KVER </3!!
kitkate: oh no I'm devastated *not the sarcasm :)*
nhguitar: haha whatcha eating?
kitkate: pancakes
column: oh so good.
Bluehead: Ashton, calum, Niall.... u guys should come over and maybe if luke isn't being a ass about everything he should come over too.

nhguitar: yeah
column: sure
iplaydrums: okay I'll pick ^^ those guys up
nhguitar: yeah I don't have to drive.

Bluehead: k well come over in like 3 mins !! luke could walk over if he's okay
iplaydrums: okay,wait why is he walking?
Bluehead: bc he lives 2 house down from dumby... u know that!!
kitkate: guys I'm gonna go now.

I get up and put my plate away. I go upstairs, again almost tripping a the last 2 steps.
I change into shorts and put a sports bra on. yeah my neighbour hood is quite so I don't have to worry about wearing anything else.

I run down stairs with my earbuds and phone in my hands. I fill my water bottle up and put it on the counter. I tie my hair into a pony tail. It's running time.
"bye guys I'm going for a run." I yell to who ever can hear me.
I open the door and right away greeted with the burning hot sun on my bare skin.
I run out squinting my eyes from the sun. I run down towards the street where all the cars come to get into the squarish neighbour hood. As I turn the corner, a car pulls up the street. I look down wishing it's not my crazy cousin Danika.

I hear the car slow down while passing me, their window rolls down and I hear someone whistle. I look up to see a blonde in at blue sweater. He looks at my face and squints as the car pulls away. weird.

I run down the street and back.
taking the long way home by running around through the other side of the square. When I'm about the reach my house I see the same car in my neighbours driveway. Wow, I walk inside my house thinking why that blonde boy gave me a weird look.

I run to the kitchen walking around the island slowly. I then stop, sitting down taking a sip from my water bottle. I got back up to my room taking clothes out to wear and open up the window while I'm doing it because it's really hot. I lay my clothes on my bed. I walk into my connected bathroom. I shower.

I get out walking into the room, the cold air hits me. I go to close my window when I see across at the next house a boy hanging from the window. He was the same one from the car. He's being held up by two hands on each leg.
" HEY what are you guys doing, he could fall." they all stare at me.
"I TOLD YOU I SAW HER!!" the blonde boy yells. They pull him in and they all hang their heads out. " ummm"
one starts but looks down at my towel.
oh shit.
I hold up one finger gesturing to wait a minute. I change into my greenday shirt and some grey jogging pants .
I go back and hang my head out the window.

" okay, how do you guys know me" I say they all stare at me like I'm an alien. I wave my hands.
"oh, um I'm m-Michael, your neighbour" Michael says .
" I'm calum" Calum says and points his thumbs at his face. "I'm niall" he says proudly.
" and I know you guys how?"
they look at me.
"huh?" another boy pokes his head out the window.
how big is that damn window.
"OMG, Niall was right it was you!! hi Kate!!" the boy with curly hair says.
"how do u know my name" I ask
"iplaydrums" he says while pretending to hit imaginary drums. then it hit me!

what the heck. I turn around and see my sister Callie with dolls in her hand I look down at the doll at my feet. I pick it up and throw it out the door.(haha u thought she was gonna say something else) but then something else hit her.
calum- column
The boy and his imaginary drums-iplaydrums
Michael's blue hair- Bluehead
and I'm guessing nialls- nhguitar
bc his name isn't luke.

just then someone else stuck their head out the window. god damn he was hot.

"luke meet our good friend Kate" Niall says while pointing at me. I smile and wave. He freezes and pulls his head out. I hear stomping and a door slamming shut. Well that was luke.

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