🍋Aizawa x Fem!Reader🍋

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Slight Exhibition Kink!

(Third Person Pov.)

"Ah-h A-aiwa-kun! S-slow d-down! W-we're i-in s-scho-" Y/n cried out, only to be silenced by Aizawa's large fingers. Grunting, Aizawa's thrust did not falter, becoming more harsh with each cry that fell from y/n's lips.

"Mmmm~ Why should I stop Kitty? Hmmm?" He questioned. "You brought this upon yourself. Tch. Dressing like such a slut on your first day on the job!" Aizawa growled and pulled both of your arms back towards him, your breast bouncing as he continues to fuck you mercilessly. Deciding to give your mouth something to do, Aizawa held both of your arms in one hand. Bringing his other hand up to your mouth, placing his fingers inside.

Y/n's eyes rolled back, her tongue sticking out in between Aizawa's calloused fingers. It was something about his tone of voice when calling you a slut that just drove you up the wall.

"Fuck baby! Ngh!" He grunted. "Your cunt feels so fucking good! Hnn! You like this cock rearranging your insides don't you? Don't you babydoll?" The head of his cock slamming into your cervix with every thrust.

Nodding dumbly, Y/n could only imagine what others would think of her if they walked through that door. Bent over the desk, shamelessly taking cock at 7:30 in the morning. Who knew she was such a whore for public sex huh?

Moaning,Y/n tried to voice her need to cum, but alas, it went unheard as Aizawa suddenly sat down in the teacher's chair. The sudden change in angle and the force of impact hitting her g-spot had her clamping down on his dick, releasing her slimy juices all on his cock.

"Pretend to sleep!" Y/n couldn't comprehend as Aizawa whispered harshly and forced her to lay her head down, feeling Aizawa lean his body against her back. The thought suddenly dawning on her that someone might be coming, she quickly controlled her breathing and closed her eyes, turning her head opposite the door so that her flushed face wouldn't give them away.

(Y/n's POV)

'He-he's still i-inside me!' I feel my body begin to shake. 'So d-deep....Hnnmpph~ Fuck!'

"Oh!" I hear a male voice exclaim. "Oi! The fuck are you stoppin' in front of the door like that shit ha-" Another male voice. I blush even more. 'The students are starting to arrive!' I inwardly panic.

"Awww it's not fair! Aizawa-sensei has a girlfriend and I don't!" ANOTHER voice, slightly higher than the first two.

I begin to move around, acting as if the noise is disturbing me. Bad idea. Aiwa-kun's member is still inside me, every time I move it's rubs against my walls! I groan and sleepily raise my head. Acting as if I had just truly woken up.

I fake yawn and rub my eyes, I then turn my head towards the door, seeing three boys.

"Ah! S-sorry if we woke you up ma'am!" The spiky red haired boy with shark like teeth exclaims. I smile softly. "It's okay! No worries!" The three boys noticeably blush, I giggle slightly at their shyness.

"Go and have a seat. I'll introduce her to you all when class starts."

We all jump at the deep voice. I turn my head slightly and see Aiwa-kun still laying against my back, his eyes still closed with his arms around my waist. The spiky blond haired boy with his hands in his pockets and no neck tie grunted and went to his seat. The red haired boy and the other blond boy with a black lighting bolt streak in his hair followed after him.

Sooner than expected, the class became filled with students. Each surprised at the sight of me sitting on their teacher's lap, greeting them all as the time for class drew nearer.

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